Tender For rejuvenation of induced draft type cooling towers including replacement of frp fan deck pvc fills and gi base support installed at iwd ac plant
Tender For replacement of old defective ms condenser line with new ms pipe and overflow drain water ms line with cpvc pipe for cooling tower 1 to 6 at terrace of acms ac plant.
Tender For minutes of pre-bid meeting - supply, installation, testing and commissioning of centralized ac plant system at bank's central office building rbi fort, mumbai
Tender For setting up of 10.00 mw ac ground mounted grid connected solar power plant at iti limited naini along with identification selection of solar power purchasers.
Tender For supply of ac plant spares - discharge valve hfc or hcfc hp , suction shut off valve complete , discharge shut off valve complete , shaft seal spare parts set , cores for drier
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement and maintenance of central ac plant vrf system summer appliances at zone b and repair maint of lt ht cable panels and certain allied works in sspl lab under ge i rnd delhi
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement and maintenance of central ac plant vrf system and summer appliances at m house and jcb lab area under ge i rnd delhi
Tender For providing services for comprehensive maintenance of precision ac pdx plant of cap 4 into 10 tr located at dipac under ge u p and m delhi cantt