Tender For repair / maint and periodical servicing of summer cooling appliances and anti flood pump sets lt control panels and connected items at air force station utarlai
Tender For repair maint of summer cooling appliances ac, refrigerator and water coolers of various sizes in zone a under ge (af) tech area agra at af stn agra
Tender For maint/repair/replacement of internal electrification fitting and fixtures, certain parts of cooling appliances, voltage stabiliser and other allied works at age b/r mandapam under ge (i) cg chennai
Tender For special repair to ber cooling appliances provision of isolation transformer for rt cabin and transmitter water supply pipe lines at various locations at afs pune under ge af lohegaon
Tender For corrigendum : certain sanctioned works in md accn, ac plant mt section and special repair replacement of cooling appliances at af stn gorakhpur