Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair and overhauling service - pantry chiller part no 4701 of p8i aircraft; pantry chiller part no 4701 of p8i aircraft; yes; buyer premises
Tender For corrigendum : providing of professional painting service - painting and marking of c17 aircraft; painting and marking of c17 aircraft; aircrafts
Tender For corrigendum : expression of interest for providing vhf and inmarsat data link, sbb data and setcom connectivity with airtime voice calling service for cl-650 aircraft of state government
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - repair of 1st cabin entrance; repair of 1st cabin entrance; yes; buyer premises,repair and overhauling service - repair of second cabin entrance; repair of second cabin entrance; yes; buyer premises - 1.replacement of hooks with rubber padding., 2.repair of steps., 3.repair of hand grip of ladder., 4.repair of aircraft support with rubber padding., 5.fod mat installation., 6.replacement of pins and brace strut