Tender For supply of gasket for airbrakehosecoupling conforming to rdso spec. no. 02-abr-02, appendix-f, amendment- no. 4 of sept. 2016 to rdso drg no:wd- 81027-s-01, item-4, alt : 14.
Tender For supply of airbrakehosecoupling for brake pipe. drawing no. : rdso,s drg no. sk - 73547 , alt.1 4, item 1 to 7. material and specification : as per drawing & conforming to rdso,s spec. no. 02- abr- 02 with amend no. 4 of sept. 2016 and appendix- f.7, [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of airbrakehosecoupling for feed pipe of freight stock & icf coaches to rdso drg.no.- w d- 81027-s-01, alt.- 14 and conforming to rdso specn no.- 02-abr-2002, appendix- f, read with all a mendments ,latest amendment no-4 of september- 2016. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]