Tender For providing of custom bid for services - comprehensive maintenance contract for vrf ac plant installed at different rris byculla hospital and other locations and hitachi make 2x2 tr spacemaker ac units at rri of mumbai division for a period of two years
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of 66 tr packaged airconditioningunits for machine no. 01,02,03 and 04 in ward no. 19 of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of packaged airconditioningunit in ward 10, hdu i and hdu ii of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25.
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of 33tr packaged airconditioningunits in labour room and 22tr packaged airconditioningunits in labour recovery room and doctors roomat govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25.
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of packaged airconditioningunits in old labour room and new labour room of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of 66tr packaged airconditioningunit in ward 21 of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of ductable package airconditioningunits in nicu b and ahu of pediatric ward in pediatric ot complex of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024 25.
Tender For repair servicing and maintenance of heating system of packaged airconditioningunit in emergency gyane operation theater of govt. smgs hospital, jammu for winter season of 2024-25
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c151; h005 fabrication of elsaportable fire extinguisher securing postsecuring post for 04 in afff extinguisher and 10 nos elsa set at bridge working station ac com..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c151; h006 engraving of ships name on ships side board mat brass 02 nos all in way jobs includes following a electroplating of ships name board b board plate replac..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c151; h007 ward room sofa has significantly deteriorated due to prolonged usage and ageing its aesthetic appeal and comfort has been compromised as its back support..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c151; h008 macrotech in sailor washroom and officer washroom damageddestroyed at various places same may be repairreplace as per sample all in way job included tota..,repair, main
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e41 overhaul split ac job includes following a clean blower filtersfittings and coil of indoor unit b soap clean evaporators coil of external unit ..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e42 fresh water cargo pump discharge pipe line ball valve handle found perished and damaged same to be renewed as per sample matmsqty02 nos; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e43 pin hole observed in various places in port da sea water cooler discharged pipe line resultant sea water leakages pipe line to be renewed and system to b..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e44 both da exhaust lagging near turbocharger perished worn out and damaged lagging to be renewed and secured with gladding steel wire length02 mtrs eac..,repair, mainte