Tender For providing of hiring of boats - tugboat; less than 10 years; with air-conditioning; max 20 persons; 100; inboard; steel and wood; repair kit, rescue life jackets, fire extinguisher, first aid box, 12 volt heavy duty battery, safety hand lamp; buyer,hiring of boats - fishing boat; less than 10 years; without air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 100; inboard; wood and steel; repair kit, rescue life jackets, 12 volt heavy duty battery, fire extinguisher, first aid box, safety hand lamp; buyer
Tender For corrigendum : providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 5 years; without air-conditioning; 20 persons; 1200; inboard; wood; first aid box, rescue life jackets; service provider
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 7 years; without air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 100; boatman; wood; paddles; service provider
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 10 years; without air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 100; inboard; wood; fire extinguisher, lifebuoys, rescue life jackets, first aid box; buyer
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - fishing boats; less than 10 years; without air-conditioning; 4-6 persons; 100; fishing boat; wood; lifebuoys, rescue life jackets, fire extinguisher, repair kit, first aid box; service provider
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 5 years; with air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 90; inboard; aluminium; fire extinguisher; service provider
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - onboard indian naval ships; rate contract for hiring of airconditioning services by installation of split acs with accessories for refit ships of wnc; service provide..
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 10 years; without air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 100; inboard; wood; repair kit, lifebuoys, fire extinguisher; buyer
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - country boat; less than 5 years; without air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; 100; inboard; wood; lifebuoys, rescue life jackets, first aid box, fire extinguisher; buyer
Tender For providing of tentage service lumpsum based - parties, social gatherings, hiring of tentage services; lighting, floorings, airconditioning, tent rentals, decoration, furniture & equipment rentals, maintenance & support, power supply