Tender For supply of spares for oil free portable elgi aircompressor as per annexure-a item no.01 t o 05 with quantities mentioned against each makes one set. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of disc valve gasket of aircompressor trc 1000mn/mnug. set consists of 04 items 09 n os as per annexure attached as per drawing no. elw/bsl/3/f84.032 alt -3, ref- 7. material to be procured f rom clw approved sources or their authorized dealer of clw item id - item id-2101237. [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of cmc as per attached specification for five years after expiry of comprehensive warranty of 24 months for electric driven rotary screw type aircompressor 300 cfm 10 kg/cm2 as per technical specification attached as menti oned in item no. -1 ]
Tender For supply of air cooled reciprocating h. p. aircompressor delivery pr= 60 kg per sq cm (min) + 10% margin (approx. ) , set spares of hp aircompressor (item no. 1) as per annexure-ii
Tender For supply of 36 months poh kit for kpc aircompressor model 3 hc-55 as per oem consisti ng of 43 items as per enclosed list in sealed transparent polythene cover with packing list duly indicate s.no. delivery of item, qty/ set, name and date of manufacture. note: d ealer to submit dealership certificate with offer. [ warranty period: 30 months after the da te of delivery ]