Get complete information related to latest Aluminium Drum Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic Aluminium Drum Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding Aluminium Drum Tenders.
Tender For auction sale of used/waste lube oil in ms drums capacity 210 litres with lid,waste white oil in metal drums/ plastic drums,waste oil with sludge and sediments,old and damaged plastic waste,old and used empty ms drums 210/200 litre,old and used empty plastic drums 200 litres,old and used empty ms drums 100 litres,old and used empty plastic drums 50 litres,old and used empty plastic drums 30 litres,old and used assorted size/cut pieces of mixed metal scrap,torn/ damaged pp bags and polyethene,sheets, jumbo bags etc,old and used damaged rubber items used tyres,old and used filter elements of gas turbine etc,old and used battery 2v, 385ah,old and used battery of different capacities,e-waste
Tender For auction sale of old and used empty ms drums 210/200 litre,old and damaged plastic waste,old and used assorted size/cut pieces of mixed metal scrap,old and used filter elements of lean gas filter etc,old and used battery of different capacities,used/waste lube oil in ms drums 210 litres,old and used filter elements of gas turbine,old and used filter elements of glycol filter,old and used filter elements of rich gas filter
Tender For auction sale of old and used assorted size/cut pieces of mixed metal scrap,old and used damaged rubber items tyres with tube and flap,old and used damaged copper ballast and stabilizer winding,e-waste material,old and used battery of different capacities,old and used empty ms drums 210/200 litre,old and used empty plastic drums 200 litres,old and used empty plastic drums 120 litres
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - daily housekeeping of offices shop floor storing area maintenance of total area of 2532 sqmtrs approx collection segregation removal of scrap rubbish card board boxes gunny bags plastic drums and stacking of these items at n..