Tender For supply and laying of fr aluminum composite panel (acp) of thickness 3 mm for wall and roof of 2 driver cabs approximately 110 square feet each as per the detailed description attached as annex ure-a, scope, layout and size enclosed - for wap7 locomotive as per rb letter no. 2000/elect (trs)/441/11 dated. 20.02.2025 (loco cab up-gradation on electric locomotives). make/material - aludecor or equivalent make metal composite panel of colour - light reflective colors like sume stone or lvory sand or equivalent. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply and fitment of acp informa?onboard made by lit vinyl eco solventprinting with lamination pasted on acpboard with 1 inch hollow steel barstructure and aluminum channelfinishing with lettering and printing size38 mm x 25 mm with clips and screw of a-1 .detailed descrip?on as decided bysse/tws/rtm . supply and fixing of boardswith all material t&p at various sta?ons of rtmdivision. ,supply and fitment of acp informa?onboard made by lit vinyl eco solventprinting with lamination pasted on acpboard with 1 inch hollow steel barstructure and aluminum channelfinishing with lettering and printing size38 mm x 25 mm with clips and screw of a-1 .detailed descrip?on as decided bysse/tws/rtm . supply and fixing of boardswith all material t&p at various sta?ons of rtmdivision. , supply and fixing of incumbency boardfor divisional officers chamber made ofteak wood withcarving work all foursides top portion half round withdesignation carved cutting in woodenplank back ply wood 6mm thick withfinished or polished with properhanging arrangement. all previousname and date of officer with vinilecutting letter of suitable font sizes ofboard shall be space available onchamber walls size 4x2 ft. or 5 x 2.5 ft , retro reflec?ve sigma board of size 600mmx450mm x2 mm with retro-reflec?ve sigma stripand board remains non- illuminated as perrdso spec. no. eti/ohe/33a (12/97) rev-8(11/2012) or latest and drg. no.ti/drg/ohe/pltbrd/rdso/00036/12/0.accepted make- firm's self. (warranty period :upto 30 months from the date of delivery.) , display boards of various size made of acp(aluminum composite panel) of 3mm thicknesspasted with inkjet vinyl 1440 dpi printeds?ckers. prin?ng ma?er will vary for each board(size of board and prin?ng ma?er to becollected from consignee at the ?me of prin?ng) each board to be with four numbers of3mm holes in the corner and to be fixed withmetal eyelets , white board with aluminum framed displayboard 2400 mm 1200 mm, non-magne?c 2 in 1whiteboard and chalkboard, unmatchedflexibility for any space, with a generous wri?ngarea make-aurum display or similar , laminated engagement board/ wihite boardwith colour pen & duster , supply, installa?on and commissioning of thedisplay board made of aluminiumcomposite panel sheet with inkjetprinting (multi- colour). the borad to beframed with suitable steel square tubesand aluminium beading. thickness of theboard should not be less than 3 mm. theboard should have suitable hangingarrangement( 2 hooks at top). [ note:print content will be given by theconsignee as and when required.staggered supply has to be made as perthe requirement of railways. supply to bemade on urgency basis where and whenrequired as per the consigneerequirement.hence firm may quote withdue consideration of above.] , display boards made of aluminiumcomposite panel sheet with inkjetprinting (multicolour). the borad to beframed with suitable steel square tubesand aluminium beading. thickness of theboard should not be less than 3 mm. theboards should have suitable hangingarrangement( 2 hooks at top). [ujjain75sqft ] of railways. content will be given byconsignee. , z web medium traffic vinyl nonwoven higherdirt scrapping, water removing rug, specialpolymer tu?s loop design mat with twin bladeopera?on. size: 1000 mm x 1500 mm x 09 mmthick. color = grey , set of vinyl s?ckers as per annexure a for melaspecial train rake 2024-2025 , supply, installa?on and commissioning ofgrooved welcome board with red velvetwooden board with frame and complete fi?ng(stainless steel) and le?er kit for welcomeboard: one set of 1.5 inch, one set of 1 inch &one set of 0.5 inch. supply as per specifica?ona?ached