CTN :39222391
26 Feb, 2025
Tender For supply of chemicals for preparaion of green primary explosives - 5 aminotetrazole monohydrate purity greater than 98 percent pack of 100 g as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 001 , copper ii sulfate pentahydrate purity greater than 98 percent pack of 500 g as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 002 , sulfuric acid purity greater than pack of 2 point 5 lit as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 004 , celite 545 purified calcined , ph equal to tilde 8 pack of 1 kg as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 005 , copper i chloride reagent plus purified purity greater than 99 percent pack of 100 g as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 006 , 3 bromoanisole purity greater than 99 percent pack of 500 g as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 007 , aminoguanidinium bvicarbonate purity greater than 98 percent pack of 500 g as per qap no hemrl meg gpe rm 008 , n class="text-red-selected">ammo
niumn> acetate acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 97 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 009 , silver
nitrate acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 100 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 010 ,
n class="text-red-selected">ammoniumn> iro
n iii sulfate dodecahydrate acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 011 ,
n class="text-red-selected">ammoniumn>
n class="text-red-selected">thiocyanaten> acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 97 poi
nt 5 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 012 , 1 buta
nol acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 500 ml as pe qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 013 , glacial acetic acid acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 2 poi
nt 5 lit as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 014 , potassium dichromate acs reage
nt purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 015 , sodium hydroxide purity greater tha
n 98 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl qap
naoh 2024 317 , aceto
ne purity greater tha
n 99 poi
nt 5 perce
nt pack of 2 poi
nt 5 lit as per qap
no hemrl qap rm aceto
ne 2023 52 , isopropyl alcohol purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 2 poi
nt 5 lit as per qap
no hemrl qap rm ipa 2023 43 , potassium hydroxide purity greater tha
n 85 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl qap koh 2024 319 , sodium azide purity greater tha
n 99 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl qap sodium azide 2024 360 ,
nitric acid purity greater tha
n 70 perce
nt pack of 2 poi
nt 5 lit as per qap
no hemrl qap rm
nitric acid 2023 54 , sodium
nitrite purity greater tha
n 96 perce
nt pack of 500 g as per qap
no hemrl meg gpe rm 003