Tender For corrigendum : supply of paint spray gun aerograph ecc. press , drilling machine heavy duty capacity 25mm , 31mm drill bit morse taper drill machine , corded hand drill machine of drill capacity of 13 mm , anglegrindingmachine 100 mm , al self supporting sliding ladder height 32 feet , al wall supporting ladders height 20 feet , ladder aluminium 20 feet , al self supporting ladders height 10 feet , laser distance meter upto 100m , laser distance meter 250 meter , dewatering submersible pump 1 hp
Tender For supply installation and commissioning of bench top flat belt grinder as per the attached te chnical specification [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply installation and commissioning of bench top flat belt grinder as per the attached te chnical specification [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of mt spare part - brake disc caliper set front lh and rh , fuel pump assy tank , water hose pipe set comp , wheel drum rear lh and rh , disc rotor front lh and rh , belt tensioner assy , fuel filter assy with pump , front shocker with spring assy lh rh comp , rear shocker with spring assy lh rh comp , ball joint lh rh comp set , assy wheel hub front comp set lh and rh , brake disc caliper front set lh and rh , brake disc caliper rear set lh and rh , fuel pipe line tank to filter comp set , fuel pipe line return comp set , fuel pipe filter to comman rail , belt timing , belt alternator and ac comp , hose pipe set comp , disc rotor rear lh and rh , clutch and pressure 400 nm sac tata storme , hydraulic slave cylinder , wheel hub with brg comp set front lh and rh , wheel hub with brg comp set rear lh and rh , fuel pipe line comp set main , fuel pipe line comp set return , oil filter m gypsy 413 , hevy duty bench grinder bosh single face 8 inch , battery charger elektron 1072 elak , hydraulic press fitting machine hevy duty 20 ton bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5699391 dated/* : 12-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 31