Tender For supply of equipments & instruments to raichur institute of medical sciences, raichur - excimer laser, mini autoclave machine, lab incubator, micro-motor machine, digital prp centrifuge, digital iontophoresis ss (2 in 1), liquid nitrogen cryo mini-300ml, liquid nitrogen storage tank 3.7 ltrs, rf excited co2 laser output power watts with accessories, class room 3d
Tender For supply of boq184 - general instrumentation set for fracture reduction , set for hip replacemnet , set for knee replacement , fixation sets , small fragment and large fragment , external fixator , portable xray machine , arthoscope set with instruments , multimedia projector , plaster room equipment_sets_with table , physiotherapy and coccuptation therapy equipment sets , movie camera for demonstration of live oerpations , electric plaster cutter , reflex hammer , measure tape , goniometer , pneumatic torniquet , hyfrecator_electrosurgical instrument , cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen_cryogun_cryocan_ , iontophoresis machine , light microscope , giemsa stain , koh smear , woods lamp , multimedia projector , laser , 300ma xray machine , 800ma flouroscopy , 100ma xray machine , ultrasonography equipment , mammography , multimedia projector with screen , resuscitation kit , dr systems 1000 ma