Tender For supply of altimeter , arrow ground pin , barometer digital , chain and tape with arrow 30m. , drawing instruments box wooden , dry and wet bulb thermometer , dumpy level with stand , flexi curve , geomorphological model gm1 and gm2 , globe golden type , globe simple type 12 inch , solar system type globe , phase of moon , model of earth layer , levelling staff aluminium mode , map of india 3d model framed , map of world 3d model framed , maximum and minimum thermometer , meter scale , mirror stereo scope in wooden box , plain table full set heavy , plumb bob , prismatic compass with stand , rain gauge brass , ranging rod stand , ranging rod folding type , rocks and minerals set , spirit level , tracing table with light , wind vane all metallic , binoculars , truff compass , alidade 18 inch , anyroid barometer demostration , white board , anemometer model , notice boards 80 by 60cm rf maroon , beam campass , hammer , hygrometer , hygrometer auto , atlas , stee rack , podium , big table.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of set of seats & berths for lhb gs coaches. follow cushioning material pu f oam to rdso spec. rdso/2007/cg-04 rev.-01 and upholstery to rdso spec.rdso/2008/cg-07 rev.-01 without fire barrier. follow colour shade alnac-03 for upholstery. for paintin g of the visible metallic portions of seats & berths colour shade ral-9006 to be follo wed., as per drawing: mplseatgs version 0, packing instruction: all protruding portions of s eat/berth should be protected with environment friendly pre moulded thermocol cap of requisite strength or silicon rubber cap as an alternate option. each individual sea t/berth should be covered with biodegradable bubble sheet of diameter 10mm and thic kness 30 micron all round. flap of berth should be outside the bubble sheet packing le aving seat & berth mounting uncovered. then it should be wrapped all round in thick l aminated jute fabric of sufficient strength. the assembly should be tied with nylon str ips. it is further wrapped with biodegradable polythene all round to prevent ingress o f dust/water. for the following items (if covered under s&b set) the item-wise pi (latest ver.) will be as under : 1. chair angles, expanded metal partition frame,suspensi on straps, supports and mtg. bkt pi004 2. hardware items pi019 3. items like bearing bkt, chain bkt, catch arggt, hinge bkt and sleeves etc. pi020 4. ladders pi031, luggage racks pi042 a list should be pasted on each box showing po no, pl no, description, drg no, qty , firm name & address, date of dispatch etc note : firms have option to provide qr code . the item shell carry a qr code on cardboard box near the manufacturer name sticker containing the details as listed below: " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For tender for supply of ring oil seal inner , blade wind shield wiper , oil cooler gasket , s/a of hose fip to fuel filter ii , synchro ring 3rd/4th , u bolt , s/a of hose m18nxm18n 600 long , clutch release brg , fuel engine primer , housing , filter cum water separator , hose assy non metallic , brake switch relay 24v 30a alt fn200800 , cylinder head gasket , switch , push , water filter , bearing inner , ignition relay alt f78355000 , nut self locking round/grooved nut , kit slave cylinder , needle bearing , hose non metalic , chain silent (pt no. 3668270/a) , switch pressure , pipe intake/s/a of fuel hose (500 long) , rubber hose air intake , pump major service kit , air cleaner assy , seal oil for crank shaft frt , filter element fluid/expansion element , spring brake actuator type 24/24 rh , assy of proximity mirror , anti freezer unit
Tender For supply of paint brush 1 inch , fevicol , lip deal for fire hydrant , lint free banayan cloth , heat resistance gloves , hacksaw blade 12 inch , gloves leather a , flourscent tape for night marking of emergency ways , sand paper isi mark , rubber latex gloves , polythene bag 14 inch x 16 inch x 75 micron , petroleum jelly , paint roller refill 9 inch , paint roller refill 6 inch , paint brush 3 inch , paint brush 13 mm , goggle safety , chain ni silver for call boatswain , call boat swains , wiper soft rubber , wind socks , teflon thread , tape transparent 38 mm , soap hard yellow , super mop with handle vip type , fender coir turk head , automatic air freshner with 250 ml refill , anti corrosive compound , tray paint roller , tape measuring steel 15 mtrs in metallic case
Tender For design & supply of hexagon metallic radiator tank cap with chain made up of ss for lhb pow er car with outer dia. 90 mm. a sample to be collect from consignee for necessary arrangement on returna ble basis. (note-one sample to be approved from consignee before bulk). [ warranty period: 30 months a fter the date of delivery ]