Tender For selection of architectconsultancy firm for providing consultancy services for beautification of nani daman street night market from bus stand to hotel golden chariot via municipal market at nani daman
Tender For roviding consultancy of structural and architectural design for construction of ghonkhan at gompa gulabgarhpaddarincluding conducting of soil test for bearing capacity and providing of vetted architectural / structural drawing including 3d view and
Tender For structural/ architectural design, consultancy and preparation of dpr / working estimate/boq, survey, geotechnical or any other investigation required along with 3d model and drawing for presentation. all working drawing i.e architectural, structural
Tender For providing consultancy and other allied engineering services with all working drawings (digital layout plan, structural, architectural design/geo tech investigation/other for construction of 100 bedded hostel at govt. degree college baramulla.)
Tender For architectural and engineering consultancy for the work of construction of iti college (type design) to be constructed at 19 various places in rajasthan
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancy services for architectural structural design drawings for provison of urp based magazine of two bays size each 14m x 14 m with nec 25t each hd 13 at hemrl pune
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancy services for soil investigation architectural structural design drawings for provision of deficient 16 unit md accn for student offrs major above at milit girinagar pune
Tender For consultancy for preparation of architectural structural design drawings including soil investigation and estimation market analysis of buildings structures for provision of deficient married accomodation and allied facilities at nedumbassery cgae ko