Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservices for architectural structural design drawings for provison of urp based magazine of two bays size each 14m x 14 m with nec 25t each hd 13 at hemrl pune
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservices for soil investigation architectural structural design drawings for provision of deficient 16 unit md accn for student offrs major above at milit girinagar pune
Tender For appointment of pmc for providing architecturalconsultancyservices for the western ghat integrated religious, historical, eco -tourism circuit plan - construction of additional works under koyna helwak forest zone tal.patan. dist.satara.
Tender For providing architectural, and structural consultancyservices for the work namely construction of new degree college at gdc ghagwal including ( design of b/wall, master plan, culvert design etc). (3rd call)
Tender For corrigendum : construction of office building at w.no.1 gandhi park m.c. r s pura by way of rendering of services for preparation of architectural and structural drawings with required design, detailed estimates/boq layout plans with all working drawings
Tender For providing consultancyservices for architectural structural design for cyclone and earthquake resistant building at survey no 966 hostel cum training center at survey no 964 and existing building renovation work at survey no 967 vejalpur ahmedabad
Tender For providing of hiring of consultancyservices - percentage based - architectural and engineering consultancyservices for construction of multipurpose hall at 09 jnvs in different districts uttarakhand; building and construction, engineering design, architectural a..
Tender For consultancyservices for construction/ redesign of circles, parks, city entry gates, dividers including preparation of detail project report (dpr), preparation of project documents, survey, estimation, design drawing /architectural drawing 2d/3d.