Tender For providing of manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - unskilled; not required; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - skilled; post gaduate ma or msc in archaeology or ancient india history culture and archaeology or graduation in architecture for preparation of drawing; others
Tender For providing manpower of graduate cad operator highly skilled possessing degree in architecture to work in the office of chief architect (kochi) unit, cpwd, chennaisubwork/packages:na
Tender For corrigendum : architecture and structural consultancy for construction of indoor sports complex (for badminton court, yoga and other games) and cafeteria along with shops at nabi
Tender For supply and installation of software licenses (academic version) for latest version of software for computer labs, school of planning and architecture, vijayawada.
Tender For proposed additional alteration in the department of architecture building (aluminum partitioning in architect department) at nit hamirpur (h.p).
Tender For design and construction of civil, structural, architecture, mep, vac, lifts, escalators, landscaping and associated works for integrated development of mmfc with kuralagam at broadway chennai
Tender For empanelment of architectural consultant cum project development management consultant ..pdmc.. for comprehensive planning, architecturalservices, detail design, construction supervision, quality control and quality assurance for building and ...