Tender For supply of r.c.c. pipe, paver block, rubber mod, benches, cc and rcc work, metal, pvc and gi pipe line, cement, jcb and hitachi machine, brick, bore cable starter, submersible pump motor, furniture materials, gutter tank chamber toilet, insecticide medicine lime powder supply /spraying, soil transportation by truck and tractor, rcc road construction, street light, cfl, led, street light, cfl, led repairing work, street light /cfl /led light wall and cement and iron pole iron clamp making work, street light service wire ,mcb at chada gram panchayat
Tender For resurfacing of various road under r&b sub division bhiloda [package no.01 of 2024-25](1) vansadi approach road km 0/00 to 15/00(2) idar bhiloda shamlaji road km 125/800 to 155/470(pro. box culvert, pipe drain, road furniture and miscellaneous work)
Tender For annual maintenance of brahmavara-jannadi-souda-siddapura road (upgraded sh road) from km. 13.00 to 15.00 and road furniture work from km 0.00 to 4.80 in brahmavar taluk.(reserved for sc)
Tender For providing transvers bars and road furniture of dangerous spots from 0.00 to 3.00 km of ajekala - kempugudde kalpane and nooji - ashwathakatte mdr in bantwal &road safety work on ukkuda - manjeshwra major district road in selected reaches from chainage 0.00 to 3.60 km under the head of account 3054-04-337-1-10-200
Tender For renovation interior fit out works including civil work including, electrical work including lighting, hvac works, fire fighting, low voltage, retrofitting work, furniture and road work etc.
Tender For in accordance with the 100 day action plan of the honarable chief minister, renovation and furniture work at revenue branch, rehabilitation branch and development establishment at divisional commissioner office nashik road tal.dist. nashik
Tender For providing service road foot path cum drain and road furniture in jeyaraj road side and tuticorin road side for the work of construction of rob at km 132 6 of madurai tuticorin road in lieu of existing l.c.no.485 at railway km 651-12-13