Tender For replacement of old a.c. roof sheet by galvalume sheet and other miscellaneous repair works of approximate 109 staff quarters at chaibasa (cbsa) railway colony in the jurisdiction of aden/cbsa under sr.den/south/ckp.
Tender For special repair to wooden scantling shed with ac sheet on roof at building no p42 provision of sound proofing of windows and railing to p44 building and addition alternation to crash ward garage at p13 p13a at ins shikra under ge (nw) nofra colaba mumbai
Tender For supply, testing and commissioning (including all connections & dressing without loading), set of roof mounting ac package units (rmpu) type-i for lhb eog coaches (coach-sets) consisting of rmpu (with r407 c refrigerant)-02 nos and microprocessor controller unit-01 no complete with acces sories as per scope of supply as envisaged in rdso specification, without bellow ducts. as per rdso spe cification no. rdso/pe/spec/ac/0061-2005 (rev-1) or latest, type-i & microprocessor to rdso/pe/spec/a c/0139-2009 (rev-1) or latest complete with accessories as per scope of supply as envisaged in the rds o specification along with modification sheet no. rdso/pe/ms/ac/0077-2018 (rev-0) and rdso/pe/ms/a c/0089-2022 (rev-0). packing instruction: pi026. note: 01 set consists of 02 rmpu units. [ warranty per iod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement of asbestossheet ac board wooden truss false ceiling with sheet steel truss and roof treament in the area of zone a and b and adjoining area under ge central delhi cantt
Tender For (1)improvement to toilet,kitchen,pathway,plinth protection, replacement of decayed doors and windows and ac sheet roof etc in staff quarters under the jurisdiction of aden/cwa (2)improvement to colony roads and drainage system of various colonies and chlorination pump under the jurisdiction of aden/cwa.
Tender For repair of rcc roof using app membrane including repair to ac galvalume sheet mangalore type roof at otm md accns at wellington station under ge wellington
Tender For supply of porta cabin in g.i. sheet (12 * 15) 1. roof in hut shape elevated to proper angle. 2. att ached bathroom with pot, wash basin, and bath set. 3. full false celling in gypsum board. 4. provisio n for 2 air conditioners (ac) ( 1 voltas 1.5 window) 5. one door 4 * 6 , 2 window 3*3 6. 2 exhaust fan ( usha, bajaj, havells) 7. 2 switch socket 8. 1 celling fan (usha, bajaj, havells) 9. 1 executive " l" sha pe table with 1 executive chair, 3 visitor chairs, 1 two seater sofa with glass top center table. 10. all wall outside and inside painted in texture(colour of your choice). 11. visitor chair in chrome with cus hioned in seat with arms rest and wheels (05 nos). 12. 1 iron almirah 72 inch. [ warranty period: 3 6 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of roof mounted ac package unit rmpu type-ii for lhb power car, con sisting of rmpu with r407-c refrigerant -01 no. to the rdso specification no. rdso/pe/spe c/ac/0061-2005 rev-1 and microprocessor controller unit- 01 no. to the rdso specification no.rdso/pe/ spec/ ac/0139-2009 rev.1, type - i complete with accessories as pe r scope of supply as envisaged in the rdso specifications and without air bellows (suppl y air, fresh air and return air). note: 1. rdso drawing no rdso/pe/sk/ac/0069-2004, rev-3 o r latest shall be followed. 2. standardisation of location of ntc, ohp & esti sensors sh all be as per rdso modification sheet no rdso/pe/ms/ac/0087 (rev-0)-2022. 3. mounting det ails for rmpu switch panel shall be provided as per drawing no.icf/sk3-7-2-062 alt- a. 4. dif ferential pressure switch (dps) based heater protection system for rmpu shall be provided as per rds o modification sheet no. rdso/pe/ms/ac/0089 (rev-0)-2022. 5. packing instruction as per pi-026 ver.1.0 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]