Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of antibacterial absorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910round body as per annexure specification , antibacterialabsorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910 reverse cuttingas per annexure specification , antibacterial absorbablesurgical suture polyglactin 910 round body, as per annexurespecification , antibacterial absorbable surgical suturepolyglactin 910 round body as per annexure specification, antibacterial absorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910reverse cutting as per annexure specification ,antibacterial absorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910taper point multipass as per annexure specification ,absorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910 as per annexurespecification , absorbable surgical suture polyglactin 910spatulated micro point double as per annexurespecification , antibacterial absorbable surgical suturepolyglactin 910 taper cutting 22mm as per annexurespecification , non absorbable, blue monofilament,polypropylene sterile surgical suture length 70cm as perannexure specification , non absorbable, bluemonofilament, polypropylene sterile surgical suture length90cm as per annexure specification , non absorbable, bluemonofilament, polypropylene sterile surgical suture length150cm as per annexure specification , non absorbable,monofilament polyamide black sterile surgical suturelength 70cm as per annexure specification , nonabsorbable, monofilament polyamide black sterile surgicalsuture length 38cm as per annexure specification , nonabsorbable, monofilament polyamide black sterile surgicalsuture length 30cm as per annexure specification ,triclosan antibacterial coated monofilament poliglecaprone25 suture, length 70 cm as per annexure specification ,triclosan antibacterial coated violet monofilamentpolydioxanone suture with 90 cm as per annexurespecification , triclosan antibacterial coated violet monofilament polydioxanone suture with 70 cmas perannexure specification , triclosan antibacterial coated violetmonofilament polydioxanone suture with 70 cm as perannexure specification , two-point absorbable fixationdevice for lap hernia repair. trigger squeeze mechanicaldevice with straight cannula as per annexure specification ,non absorable black braided silk with needle taper point31mm silk 76cm as per annexure specification , nonabsorable black braided silk with needle taper point 31mmsilk 90cm as per annexure specification , non absorableblack braided silk with needle taper point multipass 26mmas per annexure specification , macro porus partiallyabsorbable mesh as per annexure specification , absorbableunidirectional knotless tissue control device, symmetricanchoring pattern as per annexure specification , nonabsorbable, blue monofilament, polypropylene sterilesurgical suture length 45cm as per annexure specification ,non absorbable, blue monofilament, polypropylene sterilesurgical suture length , 60cm as per annexure specification, oxidized regenerated cellulose based topical absorbablehemostat, structured non-woven material, with bactericidalproperty as per annexure specification , absorbableadhesion barrier in the form of off-white knitted fabricprepared by oxidized regenerated cellulose indicated forboth open and laparoscopic procedures as per annexurespecification , absorbable unidirectional knotless tissuecontrol device, spiral anchoring pattern with anchors at 15degrees as per annexure specification , oxidizedregenerated cellulose based topical absorbable hemostat,fibrillar layer form, with bactericidal property as perannexure specification , synthetic fast absorbing gammairradiated undyed polyglactin 910 braided suture as perannexure specification , umblical tape as per annexurespecification , non absorable polybutylate coated braidedpolyester taper cut v-55 needle 55mm green braided 90cmsize 5, 4 suture per foil as per annexure specification
Tender For bid to ras supply of lv vent adult , rigid sump suction , ante grade aortic root cardioplegia cannula with side arm adult , aortic root cardioplegia cannula with side arm adult 14 fg , ostial cardioplegia canula adult lt , ostial cardioplegia canula adult rt , straight connector 1 oblique 2 -1 oblique 2 , straight connector 1 oblique 2-3 oblique 8 , straight connector 1 oblique 4-1 oblique 4 , straight connector 1 oblique 4-1 oblique 4 with port , straight connector 3 oblique 8- 3 oblique 8 , straight connector 3 oblique 8-1 oblique 4 , straight connector 3 oblique 8-3 oblique 8 with port , physiologically balanced sol with ph 7 pt 4 oblique osmolality 294 mmol oblique l with mag 3 point 0 multiple electrolyte inj type 1usp cal free in self collapsible container 500ml , pvc tubing 1 oblique 2 , plasmalite injection ph 7 point 5 , tubing roll 1 oblique2 inchs dia 10inchs , rigid sucker mini 9 fr , tubing roll 3 oblique 8 inchs dia 10 inchs , silk braided size 2 oblique 0 70-76 cm cutting 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45 mm , silk braided size 2 oblique 0 70-76 cm rb 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45mm , silk braided size 3 oblique 0 70-76 cm cutting 3 oblique8 circle needle 45 mm , water proof adhesive post op dressing with absorbant pad and film 6 point 5x5cm opsite post-op , water proof adhesive post op dressing with absorbant pad and film 30x10cm opsite post-op , water proof adhesive post op dressing with absorbant pad and film15 point 5x8 point 5cm , disposable ot table drape sheet , extension line with three way stop cock 50cm , low pressure large bore extension pvc line with three way stop cock and mail luer lock 10 cm , inj aztreonam 1g bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5456230 dated/* : 01-10-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 29
Tender For supply of bandage open wove uncompressed 6 cm x 4 metres , urinary bag 540 ml , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 8 point5 with cuff , vascular tapes blue , polyglicaprone size 4 70 75 cm 1 2 circle rb 20 25 mm , polyamide monofilament size 3 70 80 cm 3 8 circle reserve cutting 25 30 mm , g dress swimproof 5 cm , monofilament polypropylene blue size 1 70 cm 30mm 1 2 circle rb , spinal needle 26 g , strip indicators for sterilisation control for testing sterlity of drums , spinal needle 27 g , g dress swimproof 15 cm , sterilised camera cover 100 inch x 8 1 2 inch , disposable plastic apron , laryngeal mask airway large medium small , suction drain , evacuator mucus disposable , sterile adhesive post op dressing large , sterile adhesive post op dressing medium , dressing extra thin wound care dressing 10cmx10cm , g dress swimproof 10 cm , absorbable porcine gelatin sponge box of 10 , bag rebreathing antistatic rubber 2 ltr , band aid , tube endo tracheal re inforced pvc size 5 point 0 with cuff , polyamide monofilament size 20 70 80 cm 3 8 circle reserve cutting 40 45 mm , trypan blue , 3 way foleys catheter 20 size , suction catheter size 18 , aminotomy hook , sterile adhesive post op dressing small , g dress swimproof 30 cm , tube endo tracheal nasal size 3 point 5 without cuff , tube endo-trachel reinforced pvc 6 point 0 with cuff , minivac drain , suspensory scrotal , naso gastric tube adult 100 cm long 16g , bandage t shaped , naso gastric tube adult 100 cm long 18g , silicon coated latex foleys catheter 2 way 8fg capacity of 2 ml , jackson paediatric anaesthesia circuit , sterile limb drape sheet with ties upto hips , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc with cuff size 7 , tube endo tracheal re-inforced pvc size 7 point 5 with cuff , nasal cannula paediatric , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 8 point 0 with cuff , water seal chest drainage size 28 g , tube endo tracheal nasal size 4 without cuff , urostomy bag , catheter foley silicon two way size 22 fg 20 30 ml retention balloon , nasogastric tube paediatric 10g , naso gastric tube adult 100 cm long 14 g , incontinence sheath c v non latex self adhesive box of 20 , water seal chest drainage size 30 g , water seal chest drainage size 32 g , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 7 f with red flexible , airway long transparent oropharyngeal set consisting of size , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 5 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 6 point 5 with cuff , nelaton catheter size 16 fg , nasogastric tube paediatric 8 fr , nelaton catheter size 18 fg , nelaton catheter size 14 fg , nasogastric tube paediatric 6 fr , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 8 f with red flexible connector , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 5 f with red flexible connector , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 6 f with red flexible , t connector with oxygen nipple , antibacterial triclosan coated poliglecaprone 3 8 circle cb 26 mm , polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm size 5 0 3 8 circle rb bid details/ 2 / 55
Tender For supply of clearsiliconeadhesivesecurementdressingwithchlorhexidine andsilver10 by12 cm , colostomy bag 25 mm , colostomy bag 30 mm , colostomy bag 56 mm , comfort back support , corn caps , cutting burr set of 5 , double lumen catheter cannula with guide wirecomma introducing needledilator , double lumen central venous catheter size 3 fr , double lumen central venous catheter size 4 fr , double lumen central venous catheter size 5 fr , ecg electrodes disposable , ecg paper , ecg paper 80 mm by 20 mtr , ecg recording paper for mindray , ecg thermal recording paper for hp page writer machine packet of 200 sheets , elbow crutches , elbow support sizelcomma mcomma s , electrocardiograph pasteby jelly bottle of 250 ml , gauze surgicalcomma open wovecomma unmedicated 60 cm by3 metres packet , gauze surgicalcomma open wovecomma unmedicated 60 cm wide , hand gloves sterile size 65 , hand gloves sterile size 71by2 pair of , hand gloves sterile size7 , hand gloves sterile size8 , hand wash bott of 500 ml , lancet needle for finger prick packet of 30 , laryngoscope cell size aaa , laryngoscope cells size aa , laryngoscope cells , lint absorbentcomma cotton , lma 1 , lma 2 , lma 3 , lma 4 , lumber back support sizel , lumber back support sizem , lumber back support sizexl , micro tip 0200 ul , micro tip 2001000 ul , nylon 3by0 cutting , nylon monofillament loop no 1 cutting , nylon monofillament loop no 2by0 cutting , nylon no1 loop suture , nylon no2by0 loop suture , one touch select glucos strips bott of 50 with glucometer , ot pack large gamma irradiation sterilised , oxygen nasal cannula pead , pad abdominal swab 25 by 25 cm with tape 30 cm , pad abdominal swab 40 by 25 cm with tapecomma 30 cm , philedelphia hard cervical collar , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament 3by0 cutting , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament 4by0 70 cm 3by8 circlr reverse cutting , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament 4by0 cutting , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament no2by0 reverse cutting , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament no3by0 reverse cutting w 3326 , poliglecarprone 25 suture monofilament no5by0 , prolene size2by0 , ryles tube size10f , ryles tube size12f , ryles tube size14f , ryles tube size16f , selfadhesive pressure bandage 10 cm , set plasma blood saline giving plastic disposable , silk black braded 1by2 circle rb 30 mm comma 76 cm size2by0 , silk black braded 6 reel by25 m length size1by0 , silk black braded 6 reel by25 m length size2by0 , suture material vicryl rapid eppi suture code2777 20 , syringe disposablecomma plasticcomma sterilecomma 5 ml with needle , syringe disposablecomma plasticcommasterilecomma 2 ml with needle , thermal ultrasound printing paper , thumb splint , transparent medicated adhesive wound dressing 10 by 25 cm box of 12 , transparent medicated adhesive wound dressing 10 by25 cm box of 12 , transparent medicated wound 15 by20 cm box of 10 , ultrasound jelly tube of 250 gm , urometer , urostomy bag with plate 40 mm , urostomy bag with plate 50 mm , urostomy bag with plate 60 mm , ventilator circuit adult , ventilator circuit pead , vicryl knitted absorble mesh 15 cm by15 cm , vicryl knitted absorble mesh 30 cm by15 cm , vicryl no 1 rbyb , vicryl no 2by0 30 mm circle , vicryl no1 round body , vicryl no2by0 round body plus , vicryl rapid 2by0 code2778 , vicryl rapide absorbable needle suture , vircon abdominal belt size mcommalcomma xl, abg cards epoc, absorble surgical suture 4by0 cutting needle, absorble surgical suture violet 1by2 circle rb 30 mm size 2by0, bid details/ 2 / 106
Tender For supply of disposable powder free micro optic gloves ansell s 7 , disposable powder free micro optic gloves ansell s 7.5 , quincke spinal anasthesia needle stylet 25g disposable , quincke spinal anasthesia needle stylet 26g disposable , sticker with steam chemical indicator for documentation 30 roll per box , sticker with h2o2 chemical indicator for documentation 30 roll per box , chemical indicator class v for steam to verify parameters of steam sterilization , skin stapler with 35 35 stainless staples , yankauer suction cannula 28cm with standard tip , abdominal drain size 28 , abdominal drain size 32 , bandage plaster of paris 15cm x 3 mtr , bandage plaster of paris 10m x 3 mtr