Tender For supply of bdk make open type diaphragm of material- nitrile, suitable for series s2k weir type diaphragm valve , bdk make close type diaphragm of material-nitrile, suitable for s2k series weir type diaphragm valve
Tender For corrigendum : supply of milton roy dosing pump m 12 and m 14 series drive assembly spares - part no- 13531 10-24 x 3by4inch pan head screw , part no- 130420 - sapacer adaptor -m-14 only , part no- 131220s spacer -m-12 , part no- 131320s spacer - m-14 , part no- 130552 gasket spacer -m-12 , part no- 130552 gasket spacer -m-14 , part no- 133525 spring , part no- 11531 additional spring -m-12 only , part no- 11711 retainer plate , part no- 130631 liquifram shaft , part no- 133626 dowal 5x15 , part no- 130713n gear plate -m-12 , part no- 130713n gear plate -m-14 , part no- 131826 ball bearing -6200 , part no- 131511 wide cam spacer , part no- 131444 worm wheel -m-12 , part no- 131444 worm wheel -m- 14 , part no- 134026 cam bearing -6204 , part no- 131926 ball bearing -6201 , part no- 132011n bearing cap , part no- 130931s cam shaft assy for m , part no- 131526 ball bearing -6000 , part no- 131722 worm shaft -m-12 , part no- 131722 worm shaft -m- 14 , part no- 131726 ball bearing -6001 , part no- 134911 dial -m-12 , part no- 134811 dial -m-14 , part no- 11252 oil seal liquifram shaft , part no- 133120 coupling -std motor - 0.5 hp , part no- 133220s coupling -flp motor - 0.5 hp with grub screw , part no- 132952n oil seal , part no- 133011n oil seal holder , part no- 134931 csk screw 3by16inch x 1by2inch , part no- 134831s allen screw m5 x m30 with spring washer , part no- m01677s hex bolt m6 x m35 with nut and washer , part no- m01267s hex bolt m8 x m45 with nut and washer -0.5 hp flp motor , part no- 183511 oil level indicator , part no- 10338 ball ceramic , part no- 902079 ring seal teflon , part no- 902667 suction valve seat assy , part no- 902767 discharge valve housing assy , part no- 13531 3by16 x 3by4inch pan head screw , part no- 31420 liquifarm -diaphragm , part no- 27214m head - m-12 , part no- y-strainer assy , part no- antisyphon valve assy , part no- 907067 foot valve assy , part no- 914567s pressure relief valve
Tender For supply of repair kit for feed valve of electric ccb for 3 phase locomotives, consisting of 18 items / 19 nos, as detailed. (1). 0 -ring,-008 to kbi pt no 736231 - 1 no. (2). diaphragm to kbi pt no 736807 -2 nos. (3). stop ring to kbi pt no 737198 -1 no. (4). pin, valve to kbi pt no 737655-1 no. (5). gasket cover to kbi pt no 738120 -1 no. (6) seal piston bushing to kbi pt no 738122 -1. no. (7)i spring compr ession to kbi pt no 737133 -1 no. (8). compression spring to kbi pt no 737134 -1 no. (9). spring c6m pression to kbi pt no 737129 -1 no. (10). 0 -ring,-134 to kbi pt no 751116 -1 no. (11). 0 -ring to kbi p t no 751369 -1 nd. (12). 0 -ring,-011,to kbi pt no 756707 -1 no. (13). valve assembly, regulator to kb i pt no 762513 -1 no. (14). filter,-regulating valve to kbi pt no 762634 -1 no. (15). regulating valve t o kbi pt no 762635 - 1 no. (16). check valve to kbi pt no c218237 -1 no. (17). gasket, pipe bracket to kbi pt no 7'36971 -1 no. (18). seat to kbi pt no.kp0613243 -1 no." [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ]