Tender For supply of a-9 automaticbrakevalve with handle to rdso drawing no. skdp-4158 or ftrtil pt.no. 502001000. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of a-9 automaticbrakevalve with handle pipe bracket and handle to rdso dr awing no. skdp-4158 or ftrtipl part no. 502001000 or equivalent and conforming to rds o spec. no. mp. (rev-03) april 2024 or latest. ]
Tender For supply of set of rubber componenets for 06 nos.of wag-5 locos wabco pneumatic valves i.e. (1) a9 automaticbrakevalve (2) sa9 independent brakevalve (3) c2 relay valve (4) d1 emergency brakevalve (5) f1 selector valve (6) mu2b valve, comprising of 35 items 90 nos.as per sketch no. bsl/elw/sk.no.9179 alt.1.( this is shelf life items and should be procured with staggered delivery period. supplier to mention /print date of manufacturing on the item & item to be supplied within 90 days of manufacture date. ) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]