Tender For provision of cover shed, approach road, hump at entry & exit of subway, grouting of holes etc to prevent water logging in bk - 39, 44 bet: pnd-vkr & bk - 52 bet: niq-jti under the jurisdiction of aden/pendra.
Tender For provision of cover shed, approach road, hump at entry & exit of subway, grouting of holes etc to prevent water logging in bk-09 bet: usl-gtk & bk-10, 17 bet:usl-kgb under the jurisdiction of aden/central/bilaspur.
Tender For gnt division - 1)namburu (gnt-kcc section): namburu road number 2(up loop line) to be converted as common loop line since favorable crossovers exist with provision of sand hump at mangalagiri end. - modifications to ohe
Tender For corrigendum : providing and fixing at various location upon rmc interlock tiles bituminious road plastic road hump,50mm black and yellow with reflective coating
Tender For (1)repair to road surface and provision of cross drain with hump etc. at lhs 566 under the jurisdiction of aden/tr./nagpur. (2) extension of new line at mib track machine siding under the jurisdiction of aden/tr./nagpur.
Tender For supply of driving skill test track - supply and constr of figure 8 of road wide 8 mtr ,dia of the circle 7.5 mtrs and circumferance of 15.5 mt and both centre aparted by 27.3 mtrs total length 58.3 mts , supply and constr of figure s reverse test of dia 5 mtrs and length of 42.4 mtrs , supply and constr of overtaking test zone of wide 5 mtrs and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of turnel of wide 5 mtr, 5.5 mtrs height and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of rumble strip of wide 5 mtr and length of 3 mtrs , supply and constr of sharp inclinded turn of wide 5 mtr and length of 5.5 mtrs , supply and constr of gradient test of wide 5 mtr and length of 50 mtrs , supply and constr of inclinded hump speed test of wide 200 mm and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of narrow strip of wide 4 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of hair pin bend of wide 5 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of sandy track of wide 5 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of ditch track of wide 5 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of undulation track of wide 5 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of chowk junction road of wide 5 mtr and length of 5 mtrs , supply and constr of loading and unloading point of size 3 mtrs x 1.5 mtrs x 2 mtrs , supply and constr of parellel parking of size 5 mtrs x 5 mtrs