Tender For supply of specimens for zoology lab , scientific equipments for zoology lab , glassware for zoology lab , chemicals for zoology lab , slides for zoology lab
Tender For 8124/sar-t-56/2024-25 provn of grease trap and certain e/m and b/r works for installation of automaticweatherstation at af stn sarsawa under ge (af) sarsawa
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of books for diploma and post graduate diploma course - common errors in english , learn correct english , communication skills for engineers and scientists , effective technical communication , bussiness communication , communication techniques and skills , environment science and engineering , environmental studies , higher engineering mathematics , numerical method for scientific and engineering computation , introduction method of numerical analysis , higher algebra , elementatry engineering mathematics , engineering mathematics vol. i , engineering mathematics vol. ii , a text book of engineering chemistry , organic chemistry , physical chemistry , text book of engineering chemistry , text book of organic chemistry , text book of inorganic chemistry , engineering chemistry , engineering physics , physics part i , physics for engineers , text book of engineering physics , modern physics , modern engineering physics , applied physics , text book of optics , basics of electrical engineering , fundamental of electrical and electronics , fundamentals of electrical and electronics engineering , basic electrical engineering , experiments in basic electrical engineering , fundamentals of computers , introduction to programmable logic controls , let us c , information technology for management , computer fundamentals architecture and organisation , computer numerical control machines , engineering drawing , machine drawing , text book of engineering drawing , engineering design , mechanical engineering design , machine design , production technology , production and operation management , tool design , installation servicing and maintenance , principles of management , industrial engineering management , industrial engineering and management , workshop technology , workshop technology vol. 1 , workshop technology vol. 2 , material science and metallurgy , engineering physical metallurgy , strength of materials , text book of applied mechanics , mechanics of materials , engineering metrology , engineering metrology and instrumentation , manufacturing science , manufacturing science and technology , manufacturing technology metal cutting and machine tools , manufacturing technology vol. 1 , manufacturing technology vol. 2 , text book of material science , material science and engineering , fluid mechanics , hydraulics, fluid mechanics machine , fluid mechanics through problems , hydraulic and pneumatic control , theory of machine , plastics processing techniques series and beginners , installation , maintenance and rapair of electrical equipments , repair and maintenance , engineering drawing-i , general workshop practice-ii , renewable sources of energy , industrial management and entrepreneurship development , electrical engineering-i , electrical machine-ii , basics of electrical and electronics engineering , electrical design, drawing and estimation-i , electrical design, drawing and estimation-ii , applied chemistry , communication skills-i , communication skills-ii , computer aided drafting and 3d modelling , environmental science and engineering , applied mathmatics-1 , green engineering , total quality management , non destructive testing , rural development , rural development in india , neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms synthesis and applications , artificial intelligence a modern approach , network security essentials applications and standards , fundamentals of mechanical engineering and mechatronics , basic mechanical engineering , mathematics text book for class ix , mathematics text book for class x , mathematics text book for class xi , mathematics text book for class xii part1 , mathematics text book for class xii part-2 , physics text book for class xi part-1 , physics text book for class xi part2 , biodegradable plastics and polymers , handbook of biodegradable polymers , plastic materials and processing technology , plastics processing and recycling of plastics , fundam
Tender For e-tenders are invited from eligible suppliers for scientific equipments required by vgst-cisse -grd-642 of department of studies in food technology of this university for the academic or financial year 2024-25
Tender For corrigendum : supply of fuel cell system with 500 ltr fuel for system operation during installation and commissioning and first quarter of operations , fuel cell system chamber or rack , fuel tank , battery bank , inverter , solar modules and accessories , energy management with accessories , installation and commissioning , fuel cell direct methanol , remote energy management , rack , quarterly camc charges for fuel cell hybrid solution for remote observatory having 1kv or 1kw solutions for 3 heliport locations , quartely camc charges for fuel cell for remote automaticweatherstations infrastructure at 5 aws locations , fuel price per liter for all 6 locations
Tender For comprehensive operation and maintenance of 03 years for automaticweatherstations of water works department installed at catchment area of ajwa sarovar, pratappura dam and vadodara city (re-invite)