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Tender For supply of printing and miscellaneous items - meter reading book as per sample of 200 pages alongwith serial numbered with hard cover , attendance register 50 pages as per sample , handing taking over performa furniture as per sample , deposit receipt voucher as per sample , receipt issue and expense voucher as per sample , initial occupation vacation return as per sample , gate pass book in triplicate total 150 pages as per sample , furniture deposit repair register for 400 pages back to back with hard cover as per sample , tally card as per sample , stock ledger 350 pages as per sample , plant record book 200 pages as per sample , car diaries 50 pages as per sample , baby indent in duplicate of 50 pages as per sample , complaint register 400 pages as per sample , complaint slip 100 pages as per sample , cash assignment case book iafw 2246 200 pages as per sample , public fund register iafa 125 large 200 pages as per sample , mileage card as per sample , vehicle log book as per sample , vehicle inspection form eo 03 as per sample , requisition for replacement of fuse bulbs tubes as per sample , furniture distribution sheet containing 500 sheets as per sample , annual confidential report form for jcos and havs as per sample , fan meter register 100 pages as per sample , annual part performance assessment report form for steno as per sample , unit vehicle register 50 pages as per sample , technical sanction register 400 pages as per sample bid number/ ( ( ) ) : gem/2024/b/5699936 dated/ * : 14-01-2025 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 25
Tender For supply of ev3108b-1194g-30120097 oil seals , ev3108b-033-57328 swash angle potentiometer , ev3108b-033-91058 gasket , ev3108b-1194g-30120096 thrust washer , ev3108b-1194g-30120013 bearing d e n d e , ev3108b- 13005561 flexible hose assembly , ev3108b-14201355 o ring ref ih 50 , ev3108b-14201312 gland packing , ev3108b-14402801 thermostat , ev3108b-17040209 aux contactors d3 d4 , ev3108b-21910298 servo amplifier card , ev3108b-253000467 meter taut band centre zero 1-0-10ma , ev3108b-30120006 suction filter element , ev3108b-30120012 power unit assly seal kit , ev3108b-30120014 dc v seal kit for locking valve , ev3108b-15900418 switch limit , ev3108b- 17040053 solid stste relays ssr , ev3108b-21910051 relay card pcb a2 a3a a4 , ev3108b-25280056 potentiometer , ev3108b-30120001 hydrulic cylinder seal kit , ev3108b-30120041 relief valves , ev3108b- 30140037 lugs 10 , ev3108b-30120020 pump seal kits gaskets , ev3108b-31096031 lambda regulated poer supply unit 24v , ev3108b-31096034 soft starter line contactor , ev3108b-41065036 vme cpu , ev3108b- 41065038 tip 465 rs 422 programmable serial interface , ev3108b-41065041 i o modules d1 , ev3108b-41065044 analog output module , ev3108b- 41065051 sav 1 2 servo amplifier unit , ev3108b- 61131006 5 a fuses , ev3108b-41065037 i p carrier , ev3108b-91044002 lcd display unit 4 line 20c , ev3108b-r4-v03 relief valve , ev3108b-v2504018 lubmotor stsrt relay 3 32 vdc ip op 115v ac , ev3108b-v2504001 ammeter , ev3108b-v2504002 hours run meter etm , ev3108b-vhdp25011 pipes fittines seal kit , ev3108b-vhdp25016 suction filter pressure gauge , ev3108b-vhdp25020 4 way valve seal kit , ev3108b-41065042 i o modules do bid details/ 2 / 35
Tender For corrigendum : supply of pgd touch 13 in flush mounting 2 rs485 1 ethernet pgdt13000fr10 , pco5 plus hs medium board controller (p+ 500bba010m0) without ssr with tlan serial card pco100tlno
Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for yokogawa make dcs spares for ntpc group stations - cable,er bus,ycb141-m003,yokogawa, er bus terminator,ycb148, cable,er bus,ycb301-c300, cable,er bus,ycb141-m005, cable,prefab,5m,ks1-m005, cble: dcs:prefab cable - akb331- 5 mtr, cable,esb bus,ycb301-c400, cable,prefab,ks1-10*b, cable,prefab,ks2-05*b, cable,prefab,ks2-10*b, cable,prefab,akb331-m010, board,dist,power distributor,yokogawa, i/o mod,aat141-s50/t4s00,yokogawa,16ch, analog input module,aai143-s00/k4a00, analog i/p module:aai143-s50/k4a00;yokgw, analog input module,aai143-h50/k4a00, analog output module,aai543-s00/k4a00, analog o/p module: aai543-s50/k4a00;yoko, bus interface mod,eb-401-50,yokogawa, field control module,afv30d-s41451, esb bus module: ec401-50; yokogawa, esb bus i/f slave module: sb401-50; yoko, opt.esb bus repeater mdl-ant401-50/cu1n, opt.esb bus rptr.slv.mdl: ant502-50/bu1a, esb bus cplr module,ec402-50,yokogawa, sys bus cbl,esb bus,ycb301-c200,yokogawa, system esb bus cable,ycb301-c100, 10/100 mbps esb bus sys cbl,ycb301-c020, prefab ic cable,ks1-04-a,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb331-m005,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb.4,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,ks1-3,yokogawa,dcs, prefab interconnecting comm.cable akb*3, prefab comm cable,yokogawa, prefab comm cable,ks1-m003,yokogawa, prefab ic cable,akb331,yokogawa, prefabricated cable,ks2-m010,yokogawa, serial interface mod,alr121-s00,yokogawa, serial communication card: alr121-s50;yk, comm.model for giu: ale111-s50; yokogawa, 32ch.dig.i/p module:adv151-p,yokogawa, 32ch.dig.input module:adv151-e,yokogawa, 32 ch di mod,adv151e60d5a00,yokogawa, digital output module:adv551-p,32 channl, digital o/p terminal board: yaed5d;yok, digital o/p module: adv559-p00; yokogawa, node ir unit,anb10d440/c+,yokogawa, node interface unit,anb10d-445/cu2n/ndel, node unit,anb10d-445/cu2t/ndel,yokogawa, node for dual red.remot: anb11d-245/bu2a, vnet interface card: vi702; yokogawa, cpu battery,s9129fa,yokogawa,das, fan fail detect unit,ffdu-21,yokogawa, foundation field bus card, model:alf-111, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, dist board,pdbfcstd-240@b,yokogawa, power supply module: pw484-50; yokogawa, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, cpu module: cp461-50; yokogawa, processor module: cp471-00; yokogawa, rtd input module: aar-181; yokogawa, terminal board module: yaea4d-a,yokogava, term.board with connctr: ytbadv559*a;yok, termination board - model-tetc; yokogawa, t/c input module:aat145,make:yokogawa
Tender For procurement of spares of sop mk-ii for crn-91 gun system - ti for zu-23, patt no: 170000363693, system processor cardpatt no: 175303300440, serial and i/o cardpatt no: 175302300952, video processor cardpatt no: 175300301512aa, laser range printer, eye safe of fcspatt no: 180000404093, serial and preprocessor cardpatt no: 175302300273, sight pedestal dsp card-ak630patt no: 175303300246aa
Tender For supplying providing of function stage, serial bulb set, speaker, amplifier, light, video coverage, album, invitation card, certificate, gifts momentum on republic day function 26th january 2025at main office premises tcmc
Tender For supply of set of spare parts consisting of 05 items having 05 nos in a set for medha mrt 921 speedometer of conventional emu motor coaches. (i)serial communication card -921 to medha part code no. sp921501002 -01 no. (ii) mother board for recorder 921 to medha part code no. sp921601001 - 01 no. (iii)input card (standard)-921 to medha part code no. sp921701002 - 01 no. (iv)energy card -240v/150a to medha part code no. sp921701005 -01 no.(v) mlf filter box 921 to medha part code no. sp921801000 - 01 no.
Tender For supply of indl data sheet birth side in red colour , check list genereal duty form , review certificate 17 inch x 27 inch , primary medical exam report , form general duty , form no claim cert , form clerks , forms tradesman , forms house keeper , forms pmer med exam , recruit insp card both side , yellow cards biometric with serial no , 2 a medical exam reports forms