Tender For supply of facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,facia annunciator 16 windows,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,test terminal block metering unit,heavy duty solid state numerical relay complete with 3 o c plus 1 e f protection broken conductor protection negative phase sequence protection and instantaneous high set facility,heavy duty solid state numerical relay complete with 3 o c plus 1 e f protection broken conductor protection negative phase sequence protection and instantaneous high set facility,heavy duty solid state numerical relay complete with 3 o c plus 1 e f protection broken conductor
Tender For corrigendum : for the work of fixing of 33 kv metering cubical and 33 kv ct/pt unit and laying of 33 kv cable for sanction of addition load 2400 and 5930 total 8330 kw of m/s land craft devolopers pvt ltd nh-24 mehrouli gzb under the jurisdection of eudd 9
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for assisting and supporting in project management to madhya pradesh poorv kshetra vidyut vitaran company ltd, jabalpur for smart metering implementation works under revamped distribution sector scheme rdss
Tender For corrigendum : tn-26156 supply and etc work of 6.6 kv unearthed indoor ht bypass panels for vfds of id fan motors of unit 6 and 7 with vcbs having necessary protection and metering equipments along with mandatory spares
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation and commissioning of 114 nos. of water injection metering system and wiring up to rtu at unmanned platform of mh asset
Tender For providing 40kwp grid tied rooftop solar power plant on terrace of in nai, puducherry, sh: providing 22kv ht metering arrangement for 500 kva transformer yard at national archives of india, record centre, tagore nagar, puducherry.subwork/packages:electrical
Tender For providing 40 kwp grid tied rooftop solar power plant on terrace of in nai, puducherry. sh: providing 22 kv ht metering arrangement for 110 kva transformer yard at national archives of india, record centre, tagore nagore, puducherry.subwork/packages:electrical