Tender For supply of 3000010808_ 1_ 14370106019 -bhel make exciter stator along with both side end covers, yokeand stand, specification as per attached annexure-1
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - assembly disassembly of oil and water pipelines for generators and exciter testing and gas cylinder handling for generator testing for 1 year
Tender For corrigendum : supply of hea ignitor components mandatory spares and commissioning spares - hea ignitor testing kit a , hea retractor assy8 stroke 24v dc sov b , hea flexible spark rod a 133 c , hea spark tip d , hea exciter 230v ac e , hea flexible cable assy x12 feet f , hea ignitor components spares g , hea ignitor testing kit h , hea retractor assy8 stroke 24v dc sov i , hea flexible spark rod a 133 m j , hea spark tip k , hea exciter 230v ac l , hea flexible cable assy x12 feet m , hea ignitor components spares n , hea retractor assembly including o , hea spark rod including p , hea spark tip q , hea exciter r
Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, tools & equipmentforan international standard itotin electrician tradeat iti vyara, gujarat, india - electrical machine trainer suitable for demonstrating the construction and functioning of different types of dc machines and ac machines (single phase and three phases). should be fitted with friction brake arrangement, dynamometer, and instrument panel and power supply unit., motor-generator (ac to dc) consisting of: squirrel cage induction motor with star-delta starter and directly coupled to dc shunt generator and switch board mounted with regulator, air breaker, ammeter, voltmeter, knife blade switches and fuses, set complete with case iron and plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and flexible coupling. induction motor rating: dc shunt generator rating: induction motor rating: dc shunt generator rating:, motor generator (dc to ac) set consisting of-shunt motor with starting compensator and switch directly coupled to ac generator with exciter and switch board mounted with regulator, breaker, ammeter, voltmeter frequency meter, knife blade switch and fuses etc. set complete with cast iron bed plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and flexible coupling. shunt motor rating: ac generator rating:, linear i.c. trainer, digital i.c. trainer, component of typical small hydro power, component of typical water mill, low voltage control and systems. with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, residential and small business systems with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, building control systems and automation with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, industrial control system and automation with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, solar system lab suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, training system predictive maintenance and condition monitoring of electric drives, electric vehicle motors and battery training & test bench, industrial electrical testing facility with circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the testing by the student, ar-vr training set up., portable electric drill machine, pillar electric drill machine, outside micrometer, motorized bench grinder, rawl plug tool & bit, hydrometer, thermometer, soldering iron, copper bit soldering iron, de soldering gun, table vice, ohm meter; series type & shunt type, stock and dies conduit, multi meter (analog), digital multi meter, a.c. voltmeter, milli voltmeter, d.c. milliammeter, ammeter, a.c. ammeter, a.c. ammeter, kilo wattmeter, a.c. energy meter, power factor meter, frequency meter (analog + digital), tachometer with stopwatch, current transformer primary-, potential transformer, growler internal+ external, tong tester / clamp meter, megger, wheat stone bridge with galvanometer & battery 2 nos, earth tester
Tender For supply of head end drum - head end drum , tail end drum , carrying idler , weighing idler , impact idler , return idler , geared motor , speed sensor with sensor wheel , flow exciter