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Bain Circuit Tenders

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CTN :39085840 Due date: 04 Feb, 202504 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of coaxial bain circuit (v2) (q2)

CTN :39114141 Due date: 17 Feb, 202517 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of pressure monitoring line 100 cm oblique 200cm male oblique female , 0 point 5 percentage w oblique v chlorhexidine gluconate in 70 percentage voblique v ethyl alcohol with moisturizer 500 ml bott with dispenser , absorbent comma waterproof and bacteria proof film dressing 25 cm x 10 cm opsite post dash op , airway long transparent oropharyngeal set consisting of size size oblique length 000 oblique 3 point 5 , ecg electrodes disposable , eto packaging roll 10cm x 200 meters , mapleson non rebreathing system bains circuit , polybutylate coated braided polyster size 5 1 oblique2 circle taper cut 55 mm single needle , extension line with three way stop cock 25cm , extension line with three way stop cock 200cm oblique 100cm , polyester braided 2 oblique 0 26mm with ptfe pledgets 3mmx3mmx1 point 5mm da colour coaded blue oblique white book suture foil of 8 dash 10 suture , polyester braided 2 oblique0 17 mm with ptfe pledget comma 3mm x 3mmx1 point 5mm da coded book sutures foil of 10 sutures , polyester braided 2 oblique0 17 mm with ptfe pledgetcomma 1mm x 1mmx1 point 5mm da coded book sutures foil of 10 sutures , umbilical tape , polybutylate coated braided polyester size 2 oblique 0 comma 75 cm comma green with ptfe pledget 3x3x1 point 5mm comma 1oblique 2 circle taper cut comma17 mm double needle , polybutylate coated braided polyester size 2 oblique0 comma75 cm comma white with ptfe pledget 3x3x1 point 5mm comma 1 oblique 2 circle taper cut 17 mm double needle , polybutylate coated braided polyester size 2 oblique 0 comma 75 cm commawhite with ptfe pledget 3x3x1 point 5 comma 1 oblique 2 circle taper cut 25 mm double needle , polyester braided 2 oblique 0 17 mm da coded book sutures foil of 10 sutures , linear cutter reload unit blue cartidge for use with safety lock out 75mm , linear cutter reload unit blue cartidge for use with safety lock out 55mm , aortic punch disposable size 3mm , aortic punch disposable size 4mm , haemostatic clips titanium comma large , eto packaging roll 20cm x 200 meters , ethylene oxide gas cartridge 40 gm , thoracic drainage catheter size 28f , right angled chest tube size assorted 28 oblique 32 oblique 36 , thoracic drainage catheter size 16f , thoracic drainage catheter size 22f , thoracic catheter size drainage with trocar 14f , under water chest seal drainage system adult , under water seal drainage system kid , under water seal drainage system pead , non absorbable temporary pacemaker electrodes fep-13e comma 17mm 1 oblique 2c comma taper cut comma vdash 58comma 60mm straight reverse cutting comma ks breakway , non absorbable temporary pacemaker electrodes multifilament sheathed steel wire cfep dash 13comma18mm 1 oblique 2c comma taper cut comma 63mm straight reverse cutting bid details/ 2 / 35

CTN :38928727 Due date: 02 Feb, 202502 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For rate contract of consumables - name of consumables, measured volume iv set, intravenous cannula cathy, intravenous cannula cathy, disposable syringes-2.5ml, disposable syringes-5ml., disposable syringes-10 ml., absorbent cotton, urobag, plaster of parries (10 cmx 2.7m), plaster of parries (15 cm x 2.7m), oxygen regulator, surgical blade, pulse oximeter, adhesive plaster(10x 5cm), adhesive plaster(7.2 x 5cm), baby weighing machine(electronic), cord clam, disposable cap, foleys catheter 16nos., feeding tube, bain circuit (adult ), bain circuit ( child ), ambu bag(adult), non sterile gloves, surgical spirit, pmo line, triple layer face mask, povidone iodine solution, iv set, syringes 50 ml, sterile gloves, syringes 20ml, dressing drum(medium size), dressing drum (big size), thomas split (medium), thomas split ( big ), thomas split ( small), bandage than, isolyte -p, oint. povidone iodine, micropore adhesive paper tape, spinal needle 25 gauze, ecg jelly, ultrasonography jelly, hand sanitizer, gauge than, oxygen mask (adult), oxygen mask(child), nebulizer, mucus sucker, hub-cutter, stethoscope(adult), stethoscope(ped), bp machine(dial), sterile gauge, et tube with cuff, shoe cover, anaesthetic transport face musk, speculum, nosal pronge(newborn size), nosal pronge(newborn size), bt set, bp machine

CTN :39004759 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : annual procurement and supply of surgical items required for all health institutions for the year 2024-2025. - schedule-aambu bag adult, ambu bag pead, allis forceps medium size 6", allis forceps (long) 8", arteries forceps medium size 8", artery forceps(long), air bed, addison cpap interface, ab gel (absorbable hemostat)(1.box of 2 piece), abdominal tube driange system size 24, abdominal tube driange system size 28, abdominal tube driange system size 32, alminum commode (light weight)with lid & shower wheel chair, b.p. blade size 10, b.p. blade size 11, b.p. blade size 15, b.p. blade size 20, b.p. blade size 22, b.p. blade size 23, bedpan (plastic), breast pump, baby sucker, b.p.cuff for infant, babcock long 8" forceps, b.p handle no.3, b.p.handle no.4, bp apparatus digital type, bacilloid special solution (1.litr)(disinfectant), bains circuit, blood administration set (blood transfusion set), catgut chromic with needle 1/0 on curved round bodied needle (1 box contain 12 foils of suture material) (rb needle 40mm), catgut chromic with curved round bodied needle 2/0(1 box contain 12 foils of suture material), catgut chromic with curved round bodied needle 3/0(1 box contain 12 foils of suture material), catgut chromic with curved round bodied needle size 4/0 nw 4280 (1 box contain 12 foils of suture material), karmans cannula 6", karmans cannula 8", karmans cannula 10", karmans cannula 12", clinical thermometer isi, chest tube 20, chest tube 24, chest tube 28, chest tube 32, condom catheter (s), condom catheter (m), condom catheter (l), central line size 5f, central line size 7f, cord clamp (disposable)., cuscos speculum (large), corugated rubber drain, cervical punch biopsy forceps, cuff for bp apparatus (adult), contiplex ultra 360 stimulating echogenic needle catheter set 18gx150mm, disposable cap male (surgeons cap), disposable cap female, digital thermometer, disposable tongue depressor, dissecting toothed 8" forceps, dissecting non toothed 8" forceps, disposable protoscope (plastic), disposable 1 ml syringe, disposable syringe 2 ml, disposable syringe 5 ml, disposable syringe 10 ml, disposable syringe 20 ml, disposable syringe 50 ml, disposable surgeon mask, disposible surgeon gown, delivery kit 1). plastic apron (1.no)2). surgeonss gown (1.no)3). patient gown (1.no)4). hand towel (2.nos)5).abdominal hole sheet (1.no)6). baby sheet (1.no)7). cap, mask ( 2.nos each)8. patient leggins (1.pair)9). id band (1.no)10). cord clamp (1.no)11). carry bag (1.no)12). baby kit (1.no)13). gloves (3.nos)14). dripping sheet (1.no), downs(large blade), doyens retractor, disposable unsterile gloves (small)(examination gloves 1.box contain 100.nos), disposable unsterile gloves (medium)(examination gloves 1.box contain 100.nos), disposable unsterile gloves (large)(examination gloves 1.box contain 100.nos), disposable 18 gauge needle x 1 inch, disposable 20 gauge needle x1 inch, disposable21 gauge needle x1 inch, disposable 22 gauge needle x1 inch, disposable 22 gauge needle x1 inch, disposable 23 gauge needle x1 inch, disposable 24 gauge needle x1inch, disposable 26gauge needle x inch (0.45 13mm), disposable 26 gauge needle x 1 inch, dissecting toothed forceps 6", endo tracheal tube 2.5mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 3mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 3.5mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 4mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 4.5mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 5mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 5.5mm (cuffed), endo tracheal tube 5.5mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 6mm (cuffed), endo tracheal tube 6mm (uncuffed), endo tracheal tube 6.5mm (cuffed), endo tracheal tube adult 7mmid (cuffed), endo tracheal tube adult (medium size) 7.5mmid (cuffed), endo tracheal tube adult(medium size) 8mmid (cuffed), endo tracheal tube adult(medium size) 8.5mmid (cuffed), ethilon loop /pds loop (1.0)(1 box contain 12 foils of suture material), electric steam inhaler, ecg electrode, episiotomy scissors, ethilon no.1.0 curved 1 box contain 12 foil

State Government

CTN :38991446 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of ab. cotton , abdominal drain kit( a.b. drain kit) , absorable geletaine sponge , adhesive elastic bandage (dynaplast) , adhesive elastic bandage (dynaplast) , airway , ambu bag/ resuscitat , amplatz sheath , arterial cannula , b.p blade , b.t. set/blood administration set (with filter) , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , bacteria filter , bain circuit , bain circuit , bandi kidney biopsy gun , bannet (large) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (medium) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (small) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (xl) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , biopsy gum , bipolar hand probe with cable (length 11") , black disinfectant fluid (phenyl) lsi , blood collection bag , blood collection bag cpd- a1 , bobble cpap circuit , bp instrument digital , burn mesh (l) , c.v.p manometer , cartridge , cartridge , catheter mount , ccnpwt canister with aqua gel , central line fixation , central line/ central venous catheter , chest drainage bag , chest drainage tube , chhabra mpvp shunt , chlorohexidine gluconate solution , circular stapler , close suction unit! vacum suction set(vac set) , colostomy kit , contour curved cutter stapler ethlcon endosurgery , (gcs) , contour curved stapler (contour cartridge) (gcs) , copling jelly (for laser) , crape bandage , crape bandge , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diapper (audit) , disinfectant for surface and enviroment , dispo skin stapler , dispo. cauttery cord , dispo. cauttery pencil , dispo. electro surgical pencil , dispo. head cap , dispo. insulin syringe with needle , dispo. insulin syringes with needle , dispo. kelly's pad , dispo. needle , dispo. oxygen mask with tube , dispo. oxygen mask with tube , dispo. pressure monitor , dispo. spinal needle/lp needle , dispo. sterile appron (each piece) , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. ventilator circuit (flexicare or other) , dispo. ventilator circuit (flexicare or other) , dispo.tetra (each piece) , disposable wedden spatula , double luman tracheostomy tube cuffed , e. t. tube without cuff , e.t. tube with cuff , e.c.g. paper (12 channel) , e.c.g. paper (6 channel) , e.t. tube fixer , ecg cable , ecg chest electrode (bulb) , ecg clamp , ecg ciamp , ecg clamp electrode , ecg electrodes , ecg jelly , ecg paper roll, bpl(1 08t/oigi)(cardiart 108t/of) , chemical coated (single chhanel) , ecg paper roll, bpl(6208)(cardiart 6208 , view)chemical coated , edan ecg machine paper , eeg conducting paste (medicaid) , endo bronchial tube , endo trainer (ethicon) , endoscope mouth cerd(fiber) , epicutaneo-cava cathater neo cath , epidural set , esmarch bandage , esmarch bandage , ethanol base hand sanitizar + moisturizer , examination gloves , extension line with 3 way stop cock , facial dialator set 6 to 10 , fixation strap , fixer , flexometalic e.t. tube + cuff , fluroscein stick , fogarty catheter , fogarty catheter , foleys catheter 2 way (audit) , foleys catheter 2way(child) , foleys catheter 3 way , i~ormalme , general waste black polythene , gia end to end circular stapler , gia stapler & cutter liner , gia stapler & cutter liner , glutaraldehyde solution 2% , guide wire (hydrophilic coated guide wire) , guide wire(hydrophilic coated guide wire) , hand wash (lotion) , handloom cotton bandage cloth, bleached/ non- , sterilised (as per govt. specification) , handloom cotton gauze, bleached absorbent! non , sterilised (as per govt. specification) , heat registant rubber sheet , high care drape sheet sterilised , high flow oxygen mask(reservior) , high flow oxygen mask(reservior) , hiv/ hbsag self protection kit , hiv/hbsag kit , hme filter , hme filter + catheter mount + ventilator circuit (adult) , hydrogen peroxide , gel , v canula fixer/i. v. fixer , v set flow regulator , i. v. set , i. v. set , infant mucous extractor , infant

State Government

CTN :38991448 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of ab. cotton , abdominal drain kit( a.b. drain kit) , absorable geletaine sponge , adhesive elastic bandage (dynaplast) , adhesive elastic bandage (dynaplast) , airway , ambu bag/ resuscitat , amplatz sheath , arterial cannula , b.p blade , b.t. set/blood administration set (with filter) , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , baby diaper , bacteria filter , bain circuit , bain circuit , bandi kidney biopsy gun , bannet (large) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (medium) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (small) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , bannet (xl) (covidien e 360 for c-pap use) , biopsy gum , bipolar hand probe with cable (length 11") , black disinfectant fluid (phenyl) lsi , blood collection bag , blood collection bag cpd- a1 , bobble cpap circuit , bp instrument digital , burn mesh (l) , c.v.p manometer , cartridge , cartridge , catheter mount , ccnpwt canister with aqua gel , central line fixation , central line/ central venous catheter , chest drainage bag , chest drainage tube , chhabra mpvp shunt , chlorohexidine gluconate solution , circular stapler , close suction unit! vacum suction set(vac set) , colostomy kit , contour curved cutter stapler ethlcon endosurgery , gcs) , contour curved stapler (contour cartridge) (gcs) , copling jelly (for laser) , crape bandage , crape bandge , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diaper (adult) , diapper (audit) , disinfectant for surface and enviroment , dispo skin stapler , dispo. cauttery cord , dispo. cauttery pencil , dispo. electro surgical pencil , dispo. head cap , dispo. insulin syringe with needle , dispo. insulin syringes with needle , dispo. kelly's pad , dispo. needle , dispo. oxygen mask with tube , dispo. oxygen mask with tube , dispo. pressure monitor , dispo. spinal needle/lp needle , dispo. sterile appron (each piece) , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. syringe , dispo. ventilator circuit (flexicare or other) , dispo. ventilator circuit (flexicare or other) , dispo.tetra (each piece) , disposable wedden spatula , double luman tracheostomy tube cuffed , e. t. tube without cuff , e.t. tube with cuff , e.c.g. paper (12 channel) , e.c.g. paper (6 channel) , e.t. tube fixer , ecg cable , ecg chest electrode (bulb) , ecg clamp , ecg ciamp , ecg clamp electrode , ecg electrodes , ecg jelly , ecg paper roll, bpl(1 08t/oigi)(cardiart 108t/of) , chemical coated (single chhanel) , ecg paper roll, bpl(6208)(cardiart 6208 , view)chemical coated , edan ecg machine paper , eeg conducting paste (medicaid) , endo bronchial tube , endo trainer (ethicon) , endoscope mouth cerd(fiber) , epicutaneo-cava cathater neo cath , epidural set , esmarch bandage , esmarch bandage , ethanol base hand sanitizar + moisturizer , examination gloves , extension line with 3 way stop cock , facial dialator set 6 to 10 , fixation strap , fixer , flexometalic e.t. tube + cuff , fluroscein stick , fogarty catheter , fogarty catheter , foleys catheter 2 way (audit) , foleys catheter 2way(child) , foleys catheter 3 way , i~ormalme , general waste black polythene , gia end to end circular stapler , gia stapler & cutter liner , gia stapler & cutter liner , glutaraldehyde solution 2% , guide wire (hydrophilic coated guide wire) , guide wire(hydrophilic coated guide wire) , hand wash (lotion) , handloom cotton bandage cloth, bleached/ non- , sterilised (as per govt. specification) , handloom cotton gauze, bleached absorbent! non , sterilised (as per govt. specification) , heat registant rubber sheet , high care drape sheet sterilised , high flow oxygen mask(reservior) , high flow oxygen mask(reservior) , hiv/ hbsag self protection kit , hiv/hbsag kit , hme filter , hme filter + catheter mount + ventilator circuit (adult) , hydrogen peroxide , gel , v canula fixer/i. v. fixer , v set flow regulator , v. set , v. set , infant mucous extractor , infant nasal c

CTN :38874236 Due date: 29 Jan, 202529 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of influenza vaccine inj , itaraconazole 200mg cap , guedel airway all sizes , glycerine suppository (12.5/24.5) , hme filter , levitricetam 1000mg tab , lycopane with multivitamin tab , abdominal binder , methotrexate 15mg inj , heel cup , syp multivitamin bott of 170 ml , naproxon & domperidone tab , nitrofurantoin 100 mg tab , olmesartan 20 mg tab , olmesartan 20mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5 mg tab , olmesartan 40 mg tab , oxcarbamazepine 600 mg tab , walker adult , pregabalin 75 mg +methylcobalnin 750 mcg tab , suction catheter - 12 , suction catheter s-6 , suction catheter-8 , surgical dressing drape , tamsulosin 0.4 + dustasteride 0.5 tab , thyroxine sodium 125 mcg tab , thyroxine sodsium 75 mcg tab , trypsin-chymotrypsin 100000 au tab , tab viropill (art) , urine collection bag , polyamide monofilament size 1 , 100 cm , 1/2 circle rb 40 mm in tray , polyamide monofilament size 1/0 , 100 cm 1/2 circle rb 40 mm in tray , polyamide monofilament size 2/0 , 70-80 cm 3/8 circle reserve cutting 40-45 mm , polyamide monofilament size 3/0 , 70-80 cm , 3/8 circle reverse cutting 25-30 mm in tray , polybutylate coated braided polyster size 2/0 , 75cms white 1/2 circle taper cut 25mm double needle in tray , polydioxanone size 1 , 1.5cms loop , 1/2 circle rb needle 50-55 mm , polydioxanone size 1 , 90 cms , 1/2 circle needle 40-45 mm in tray , polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm size 3/0 , 1/2 circle taper cut 25 mm double needle in tray , polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm size 3/0 , 3/8 circle rb 13-25 mm in tray , polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm size 3/0 , 3/8 circle reverse cutting 12 mm in tray , polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm , size 1/0 3/8 circle reverse cutting , 12 mm in tray , polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cms size 2/0 3/8 circle reverse cutting 12 mm tray , silk braided size 0 70-76 cm reverse cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm , silk braided size 1/0 70-76 cms taper cut 1/2 circle needle 25mm , silk braided size 1/0 reel 6 reels x 25 mtrs , silk braided size 1/0 , 70-76 cm rb 3/8 circle needle 45mm in tray , silk braided size 2/0 , 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45 mm in tray , silk braided size 2/0 , 70-76 cm rb 3/8 circle needle 45mm in tray , silk braided size 3/0 , 70-76 cm cutting 3/8 circle needle 45mm in tray , silk braided size 3/0 , 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 12-16mm in tray , silk braided size 3/0 , 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 20-25 mm in tray , silk braided size 3/0 , 70-76 cm rb 3/8 circle needle 45 mm in tray , silk braided size 2 cutting needle , silk braided size 1 cutting needle , silk braided size 4/0 cutting needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 2 cutting needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 1 cutting needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 4/0 cutting needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 5/0 cutting needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 1 rb needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 1/0 rb needle , polypropylene blue monofilament size 2/0 rb needle , polygalactin 910 (vicryl) size 4/0 rb needle , polyglecaprone 25 (monocryl) size 1/0 rb , polyglecaprone 25 (monocryl) size 4/0 cutting , polyglecaprone 25 (monocryl) size 5/0 cutting , polyamide monofilament (nylon) size 1 cutting , polyamide monofilament (nylon) size 1/0 cutting , polyamide monofilament nylon size 3 by 0 cutting , polyamide monofilament (nylon) size 4/0 cutting , chromic catgut size 1 rb , chromic catgut size 3/0 rb , yankur suction set , bains circuit , syringe 50ml , i-gel size -3 , i-gel size -4 , i-gel size -5 , i-gel size-2.5 , povidone iodine 7.5% w/v with emollient and moisturiser surgical handwash 500 ml , urine bag with urometer

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38837444 Due date: 05 Feb, 202505 Feb, 2025 5.46 Crore
Tender For tender for supply of surgical items for gulbarga institute of medical sciences, hospital, kalaburagi - ecg roll 210 x 20 mtr (a4), nebulser tpice, giggles saw wire, adult laryngoscope set including blades, neonatal laryngoscope set including blade size, 00,0,1, adult ambu bag, mask, adult ambu bag, infant ambu bag mask, neonatal ambu bag mask, size 1, neonatal ambu bag mask, size 0, infant ambu bag, neonatal ambu bag, size 1, term, neonatal ambu bag, size0, preterm, central line neonatal 24gauge, picc line 3 french, octopus iv connector, hfnc tubings, hfnc nasal prongs, size xl, hfnc nasal prongs, size l, hfnc nasal prongs, size xs , hfnc nasal prongs, size s fischer & packel, tegaderm roll, disposable needle 24 guage, arterial blood collection syringe(bd), ventilator circuit pediatric, ventilator circuit neonate, icd with trochar with drain bag16, icd with trochar with drain bag14, icd with trochar with drain bag12, sanitary pads pack of 10, synthetic absorble surgical suture braided coated polyglactin 910 undied 2-0,taper cut cutting 1/2 circle (vicryl rapide )90 cms length (12 foils/box), vicryl sutures usp 8-0, 3/8 circle spatulated micropoint double needle nw2348 6.0, synthetic absorbable vicryl suture, 3/8 circle cutting 13mm, 445cm)no-6.0(12 foils/box) code-2831, non-absorable surgical suture, 3/8 circle cutting body, 6.2mm, 6inch black minofilament 6401n no-10.0(12 foils/box)code-as-140-6, non-absorable surgical suture, 3/8 reverse cutting body,black monofilament 6401n no-8.0(12 foils/box)code-as-140-6, soft roll 4inch, soft roll 6inch, fibreglass cast roll (4), fibreglass cast roll-5, surgical gloves (reusable)6.5, surgical gloves (reusable)7, id band pedpink, id band pedblue, spinal needle lumbar puncture needle disposable color coded transparent hubce certified-23g, flexometalic endotracheal tube size-8, i.c.d drain tubewith bag(intra costal drainage set size-34, i.c.d drain tubewith bag intra costal drainage set size-30, blood transfusionset bt set), trocar cath12fg, tracheostomy tube 4.5, tracheostomy tube 5.0, colobagromsons, respirometer rms 1, trachostomy tube 4.0, suction aidtrach 6.0, tripplelumen central line kit central venous catheter kit 12fr 16cm, cottonbuds, corrugateddrain, bain circuitadult, trachostmycuff 7.0, trachostmycuff 7.5, romoseal adult, romodrain icd bag, insulinsyringe, needle number.24g, needleno.24g, styletfiber, styletsteel, needleno.26g, sterile disposable syringewith hypodermic needle -5ml24g ribbon pack, non absorbable surgical polypropylene sutures size 3-0 with 3/8 circle cutting 22mmx 70cm box of 12 foils code 018, sterile disposable syringewith hypodermic needle 1-1/2-10ml-21g ribbon pack, non rebreathing oxygenmask adult child, non invasive ventilationmask niv mask, non absorbable surgical suture polyamide size 4.0 3 8 circle cutting 16mm needle length 90cm code 3318, non absorbable surgical suture polyamide size 10.0 6.5mm 3/8 circle spatula micro point double needle 38cm code 3719, mucous sucker, triple layer maskwith elastic, epidural set 18g needle20g catheter, laryngoscope with mccoy blade size - 4, laryngoscope with mccoyblade size - 3, lma laryngeal maskairway size 4, lma laryngeal mask airway size 3, lma laryngeal mask airway size 2, lma laryngeal mask airway size 1, spinal needle lumbar puncture needle disposable color coded transparent hubce certified-26g, spinal needle lumbar puncture needle disposable color coded transparent hubce certified-25g, disposable airwaysadult no-3, nasal oxygenprongs neonatal, oxygenmask neonatal, centraline 5.5fr-12.5cm, centraline 5.5fr-8cm, centraline 2fr 22g-8cm, pmo line-polyurethane artery &vein indicator, icd no16-withtrocar, icd no-12-withtrocar, icd no10-withtrocar, icd no 8 withtrocar, eithibond polyester suture size no.1, no. 2& no.5, natural non-absorbable black braided silk sutures reels - size 2-0 black braided silk reel with suture length of 25 meters box of 6 reels code r823, synthetic non-absorbable polypropylene
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