Tender For procurement of internal spares for electrost atic precipitator (bhel make electrostatic precipitator, type faa-8x45h- 96130-2) for u-4 capital overhaul in ahp, paras tps
Tender For supply of pin dia 26x89 mm including split pin 5x45mm & washer for above pin in set suitable for 4 .5 kw belttensioningdevice assembly.material as per rdso elec drg no.skel 3940 (si no. 13& 14). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of compression spring suitable for belttensioningdevice of 25 kw brushless alternator, as per rdso drawing no. skel-3940 sheet -i (alt.- 5) & sheet- ii (alt. -5) item no. -6 and confirming to rdso drawing no. rdso/pe/sk/ac/0068-2004( rev- 0)