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Bilirubin Kit Tenders

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CTN :38329282 Due date: 18 Dec, 202418 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of veterinary medical stores - rbc fluid bottle of 500 ml , wbc fluid bottle of 500 ml , methanol bottle of 2.5 ltr , formaldehyde solution bottle of 500 ml , leishman stain bottle of 500 ml , troponic cardiac kit of 10 test , glucose kit of 04 x 60 ml , bilirubin kitof 04 x 60 ml , platelet dilating fluid bottle of 100 ml , urine container 50 ml pack of 100 pieces , stool container 300 ml pack of 50 pieces , sterile swab pack of 100 pieces , media transport swab packet of 100 pieces , hemocytometer cover glass packet of 100 , micro tips 1000 mcl , micro tips 100 mcl , sgot kit of 05 x 20 ml , sgpt kit of 05 x 20 ml , urea kit of 05 x 20 ml , total protein kit of 05 x 50 ml , bilirubin kit of 04 x 60 ml , ggt kit of 50 ml , phosphorus kit of 02 x 50 ml

CTN :38518773 Due date: 31 Dec, 202431 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of 711 ms dglp gem boq 08 2024 25 - kit for estimation of cholesterol , kit for triglyceride estimation , kit for estimation of bilirubin , kits for estimation of glucose , kits for estimation of urea , kits for estimation of creatinine , kits for estimation of uric acid , kits for estimation of sgot , kits for estimation of sgpt , strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips , dengue test kit combo , test kit for widal , urine pregnancy test strip , urine container sterile 30ml , semi auto haematology cell counter printing paper roll for sysmax , distild water , esr tubes ready to use , disposable lancet for finger prick pkt of 100 , slide microscope thickness 1 ponit 5mm to 1 ponit 35 mm size 75mm x 25mm , drabkins solution diluting solution for haemoglobin estimation by cyanmet haemoglobin method , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , troponin t test card

CTN :38588475 Due date: 04 Jan, 202504 Jan, 2025 1.16 Lacs
Tender For supply of acid sulphuric commercial .,alcohol methyl,cyanmethaemoglobin standard for haemoglobin estimation, ampules of 10 ml,drabkins solution diluting solution for haemoglobin estimation by cyanmethaemoglobin method,rapid test kit for dengue ns1 ag plusigm plus igg antibody combo card,glycerine annual repair glycerol,keto diastix bott of 50 strips,kits for estimation of uric acid,kits for estimation of creatinine,kits for estimation of alkaline phosphatase,kits for estimation of sgot ast,kits for estimation of sgpt alt .,methylene blue powder,stain leishmans powder.,strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips,kit for triglyceride estimation 100 ml,kit for estimation of bilirubin,kit for estimation of ggt gamma glutamyl transaminase 12 x 5 ml,rapid card screening for hbv,rapid card screening for hcv

CTN :38588865 Due date: 04 Jan, 202504 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of s bilirubin kit,sgot kit,sgpt kit,s urea kit,s creatnine kit,uric acid kit,ra factor,crp kit

CTN :38533443 Due date: 31 Dec, 202431 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of ryle tube,s bilirubin kit,sgot kit,sgpt kit,urea kit,creatinine kit,gulcometer strips

CTN :38519063 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of chemicals for biochemistry analyzer - albumin kit , alp kit , calcium kit , cholesterol kit , creatinine - enzymatic kit , creatinine kinase - nac - n acetyl cysteine kit , creatinine kinase mb - kit , crp - c - reactive protein kit , crp -hs kit , direct bilirubin kit , erba auto wash kit , erba norm kit , erba path kit , gamma glutamyl transferase kits , glucose kit , hba1c kit , hdl direct kit , iron kit , lactate dehydrogenase kit , ldl direct kit , lipase kit , magnesium kit , microalbumin kit , sgot kit , sgpt kit , total bilirubin kit , total protein kit , triglycerides kit , uibc kit , urea kit , uric acid kit , xl multical kit , phosphorus kit , rotor - pack of 20 , sample cup - pack of 500

CTN :38518519 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of bilirubin kit - bilt , bild , sgot , sgpt , alp , urea , creat , uricacid , glucose , choles , hdlchol , ldlchol , tg , tp , album , amyl , lipase , cal , phos , cknac , ckmb , ldh , microprot , gammagt , fe , uibc , washadal , samplecup , washsys , multical , cont1 , cont2

CTN :38504635 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 50.0 Thousand
Tender For supply of medicines - glucose kit , b. urea kit , s creatnine kit , uric acid kit , s bilirubin kit , sgpt kit , alkakine po4 kit , cholesterol kit , tryglyceride kit , adl cholesterol kit , preganancy test strips , blood group abd kit , urine sugar strips , syringes 3ml , distilled water , tab ibu pcm , sod. hypochlolite solution , ors powder 21 g , tab ct2 , tab meftalspas , tab calcium 500mg , tab fs ascorbate , tab ranitidine , tab folic acid

CTN :38504829 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 4.20 Lacs
Tender For supply of sugar kit , b. urea kit , creatnine kit , uric acid kit , bilirubin kit , sgot kit , sgpt kit , alk. phos. kit , cholesterol kit , tg kit , hdl kit , blood lansats , blood group kit , widal kit , r.a. factor kit , urine strips alb sug , urine pregnancy strips , sugar strips , esr test tubes dispo , blue tips , yellow tips , syringes 3ml , gloves loose , spirit , cotton roll , distilled water , tab pcm , tab ibu pcm , tab pantop , tab pcm caffine , tab thiochoche acelofenec , tab citrazin , tab d3 , tab amoxy clave 625mg , tab azithromycin 500mg , tab clindepine , tab ondansetron , tab calcium , tab irom f.a. , cap multivitamin , protein powder , tab zerodol , tab amlong 5mg , tab diclojel , tab superspas dicyelomin , tab anticold , tab alloperinol , tab met formin , tab dulcolay , tab nitro fruintoin , ors , syp pcm , syp ibu pcm , syp onclac , syp metro , syp citrizin , inj diclo , inj ondac , inj rantac , inj dicyclopan , betadin liquid , betadin ointment 250 gram each , savlon antiseptic solution , hand sanitizer , micropore , bandages , loose gloves , mask 100 nos , syp lactulose , syp alkasip , calamine lotion , antifungal ointment , t-fluconazole , ns- 100ml , duolin-respules nebulizer 20 pieces

State Government

CTN :38425977 Due date: 23 Dec, 202423 Dec, 2024 30.00 Lacs
Tender For re-tender document for rate contract for purchase of ihc-flowcyto antibodies/molecular/pathology/microbiology / general chemical goods for the year 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. - pdl1 (clone:22c3), 2, -, bottle, -, anti human globulin, 6, 2, vial, -, blood urea kit, 10, 150, kit, -, glucose kit, 14, 26, kit, -, ra test kit, 18, 400, kit, -, total bilirubin kit, 22, 4, carboy, ar grade, dimethyl sulphoxide, 26, 24, bottle, bacteriological grade, hydrochloric acid ar 2.5 l, 30, 1, bottle, acetone free, ar; na+: 0.00005 percent, neutral liquid ditergent, 34, 80, bottle, lr; minimum assay (iodometric) 95.0 percent, phosphate buffer powder ph-6.8, 38, 255, bottle, ar grade, sodium thiosulphate, 42, 20
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