Tender For supply of general maintenance tools - ballast rake , cross pen hammer 500gm , light weight spanner for 60 kg rail , log line with 20 kg lead ball , pan mortar , piano wire with clamps , probing rod , rail dolly , rail thermometer , rail tongue , schmidts hammer , small testing hammer , speed restriction board 60 75 , stop board with stand and chain , versine kit , plumb bob , chisel , craw bar , drill bits of hss , flexible pipe 1 for gardening , jack 15 ton hydrauellec jack , inspection cum chipping hammer different types , mirror cm mirror cm mirror , retro reflective tape 45m each roll yellow , screw driver set , shears for gardening , shovel with handle , straight edge , trowel for gardening , whistle board , grinding stone , whistle , combination plier , abrosive rail cutter disc , hammer three kg
Tender For supply of machines and laboratory equipment's for mechanical engineering in the premises of government polytechnic, saharsa-, models for projection and demonstration, models and charts, drawing equipments and instruments, wood working tools, vice, work benches, fitting tools, sheet metal and hand tools, soldering equipment, "sheet bending and cuttingmachine", black smithy tools and equipment, tig welding setup, mig welding setup, spot welding setup, lathe machine, lathe tool dynamometer, different single point and multi point cutting tools, milling machine with required set of work holding devices, cutting tools, accessories and tool holders., milling tool dynamometer, drilling machine with required set of work holding devices, cutting tools, accessories and tool holder, drill tool dynamometer, shaper with required set of work holding devices, cutting tools, accessories and tool holders., grinding machine, green sand moulding setup, casting setup and patterns, torsions of bars apparatus, "extension and compression of springsapparatus", "combined shear force and bending momentapparatus", slope and deflection of beam apparatus, "thermometer and pressure gauges of differenttypes", heat pump, steam turbine, condenser, steam engine, heat engine, separating and throttling calorimeter, "different types ofboilers", heat exchanger, tool makers microscope, thermometer, equipment and chart for acceptance test of machine tools, depth gauge, vernier calipers & micrometers, screw thread micrometer, screw pitch gauge, plug- gauge, limit gauges, steel ring gauges, feeler gauge, vernier height and depth gauge, slip gauge set, micrometer depth gauge, sine bar, sine centre, universal bevel protractor, angle gauges, angle dekkar, precision level, autocollimator, surface plate-granite, spirit level, roundness measuring machine, v-block, optical flat, dial indicator, "surface roughnesstaylor hobsons tester", profile projector with gear profile/thread profile templates, floating carriage micrometer, screw thread micrometer, monochromatic light source unit, gear tooth vernier caliper, "tool makersmicroscope", strain gauge kit with cantilever, diaphragm pressure gauge, "sensor - bourdon tube c type with digitaldisplay", dead weight pressure tester, differential pressure bellows, rotameter trainer, resistant thermometer, thermocouple tutor, glass thermometer, bimetallicthermometer
Tender For supply of magnetic based rail thermometer rdso specification no. tm/67 dt 28/01/2022 (rev.0 1 of 2010) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of electronic toe load measuring device detailed description as per item 01 of the attached specification document , magnetic base rail thermometer , pwi tool kit detailed description as per item 3 of the attached specification document , chamfering kit battery operated detailed description as per item 04 of the attached specification document , portable rail drilling machine detailed description as per item 05 of the attached specification document , aluminium ldder folding , gauge cum level make- lakshmi or similar , digital gauge cum level detailed description as per item 08 of the attached specification document