Tender For supply and installation of machine and equipments in mgm medical college jamshedpur - name of machine & equipments, laparoscopy (as per specification), ceiling mounted operation ot light (as per specification), ot table (as per specification), fully automatic rectangular steam sterilizer (as per specification), ultrasonic cutting and coagulating device with advance bipolar vessel sealing system (as per specification), electro cautery/ electrosurgical units (as per specification), endoscope (as per specification), end urology sets (as per specification), semi-auto biochemistryanalyzer (as per specification), cbc hematology analyzer 5 parts (as per specification), ecg machine (as per specification), echocardiography machine (as per specification)
Tender For supply of digital upright microscope with fluorescence image analysis software - digital upright microscope with fluorescence image analysis software , digital camera , image analysis software , data processor and display system , ups 2kva , dic accessories
Tender For state-of-art fully digital high end latest color doppler echo cardiology system for adult, paediatric and neonatal application with all quantification software's including contrast study, system must be offered with a minimum of 40 lakh digital processed channels. original technical data sheet should be enclosed in technical bid to support the number of channels on the systems. if not mentioned, please attach a letter from manufacturer along with the technical bid clearly stating the digital processed chan nels of the offered system, system should incorporate latest image acquisition & processing technology maintaining uniform spatial resolution, tissue uniformity through complete fov at high temporal resolution resulting high diagnostic confidence. please attach white paper on this technology, system should have broad band beam former capable of processing signals from 1-16 mhz, high resolution main display minimum size 21 inch with wide viewing angle. lnbuilt 12 inch high resolution touch screen user interface capable of image display and complete image processing & measurements, system, control panel, and monitors mounting should have continuous height and angle adjustment for operator comfort especially suitable for multiple -user depts. with high patient load., system should incorporate facility for high r~solution 2d, m mode, pw, cw doppler color flow imaging, color power angio imaging with high frame rate of min 1900fps for 2d & 200 fps for color imaging, system should have full spectrum imaging, speckle reduction filter, spatial compound imaging, phase inversion tissue hannonic imaging, trapezoidal imaging &contrast enhanced imaging(low-mi), system must be offered with speckle reduction imaging: image processing technique to remove speckles and clutter artifacts., system should have strain quantification imaging, including strain assessment for la, lv and rv, split screen view with independent cine loops & cfm. simultaneous b mode& b color mode., 2 d measurement should include calipers for distance/ depth, angle, areal circumference by ellipse/trace etc, integrated stress echo facility to perform stress echo exams., system should have real time triplex mode facility in 2d, color and doppler modes., system should have dynamic modes of 270db or higher, system should have high prf(mention rate-highest will be preferred), system should have scan depth of i to 40 cm or more. please specify through data sheet, system should have 256 shades of grey display, system should have facility for real time and frozen, pan or point zoom. cine loop as well as cine scroll facility in b mode., system should support single button to customize the workflow of doctor., system should have independent steering ofb mode and color on linear probe, system should have individual operator specific atomized workflow protocol which lets operator focus on patients, dedicated sdd of min 512gb for os for fast boot up and separate hdd for patient image storage min 1 tb, system should include anatomical mode, cardiac quantification software including auto ef, tdi, tdi quantification, and stress and strain., system should have contrast imaging with quantification for lvo study and myocardial analysis, system should include auto imt measurement and preferably based on real time data, possibility to modify/edit patient data during and after exam has been completed., system should min 8 point tgc and separately lgc dedicated cardiac applications, system should include integrated report generation sw included choice of embedded images, systems should have standard minimum 4 active probes connectors with electronic switch facility from key board. it should be provided with following transducers. a. adult single crystal phased array probe 1.5 to 4 mhz b. pediatric cardiac phased array probe 3 - 8mhz c. neonatal transthoracic transducer 4-12 mhz d. 3d tee transducer 2 - 7 mhz matrix! single crystal technology with biplane imaging and mini
Tender For supply of book bank list 3 - elements of x ray diffraction , concepts of genetics ,microeconomics , research methods in social sciences ,data structures using c , problem solving and programdesign in c , cryptography and network security principlesand practice , computer networks , modern operatingsystems , introduction to automata theory languages andcomputation , event management , basics of eventmanagement , communication systems , electronics circuitanalysis and design , principles of electromagnetics ,computer system architecture , computer organization andarchitecture , design and analysis of computer algorithms ,python for programmers , fundamentals of databasesystem , artificial intelligence a modern approach ,introduction to machine learning , inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity , postcolonialliterature an introduction , contemporary literary andcultural theory from structuralism to ecocriticism ,elements of the theory of computation , modern digital andanalog communication , organic chemistry , electronicdevices and circuit theory , wireless communicationprinciples and practice , marketing management , materialscience and engineering , quantum mechanics , genetics ,digital fundamentals , learning and teaching , financialadministration in india , basic accounting , complexvariables theory and applications , communication systemengineering , engineering circuit analysis , datacommunications and networking , digital logic andcomputer design
Tender For providing of hiring of gis implementation agency for survey, software development and master planning related activities - port; application/dashboard customization, integration to other mis system, data analysis and master plan preparation, geo-referencing and d..