Tender For supply of glucose hexokinase dash uv dash pack of 5 x 44 mloblique 5x12 point 5 ml pack of 1020 test for em200 , urea pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test for em200 , creatinine dash jaffe pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test , uric acid pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x4 ml pack of 232 test for em200 , billirubin total small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 500 test for em200 , billirubin direct small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 500 test for em200 , total protein pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2049 test for em200 , albumin pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2040 test for em200 , sgot dash el pack of 6x44 ml oblique 6x12 point 5 ml pack of 1484 test , sgpt dash el pack 6x44 ml oblique 6x12 point 5 ml pack of 1484 test for em200 , alkaline phosphatase small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 621 test , lipase xl pack of 1x44 ml oblique 1x11 ml pack of 226 test for em200 , ldh dash p pack of 2x44 ml oblique 2x11 ml pack of 452 test , gamma gt small system pack pack of 2x22 ml oblique 2x6 point 8 ml pack of 248 test for em200 , calcium dash a small system pack pack of 5x6 ml pack of 110 test for em200 , ckmb small system pack pack of 2x12 ml oblique 2x3 ml pack of 71 test , ck nac small system pack pack of 2x12 ml oblique 2x3 ml pack of 71 test , ada pack of 1x20 ml oblique 1x10 ml for em200 , ada cali pack of 1x1 ml for em200 , ada control pack of 1x1 ml for em200 , hba1c cali set pack of 5x0 point 5 ml for em200 , hba1c con h pack of 1x0 point 5 ml for em200 , hba1c con l pack of 1x0 point 5 ml for em200 , cholesterol pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2049 test for em200 , triglycerides pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test for em200 , hdl cholesterol with calibrator pack of 4x30 ml oblique 4x10 ml pack of 472 test , ldl cholesterol with calibrator pack of 2x30 ml oblique 2x10 ml pack of 236 test for em200 , 4 channel ise cleaning solution dash 5421 pack of 6x12 ml for em200 , 4 channel ise module reagent pack 35 spd pack of cal a dash 520 oblique cal b dash 190 ml pack of 1550 test for em200 , erba autowash dash system pack pack of 10x100 ml , erba norm pack of 4x5 ml for em200 , erba path pack of 4x5 ml for em200 , xl dash autowash ac oblique al kit pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x44 ml pack of test for em200 , xl dash multical pack of 4x3 ml for em200 , sample cup pack of 500 cups for em200 , amylase small system pack pack of 5x11 ml pack of 232 test for em200 bid details/ 2 / 36
Tender For supply of bilirubin total kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 20ml) , urea kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 35ml) , creatinine-s kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(2* 27 ml) , glucose kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , bilirubin-direct kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 20ml) , alt kit (sgpt) for mindray- bs-240 pro(4* 35ml) , ast kit (sgot) for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 35ml) , alp kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 35ml) , albumin kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , total protein kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , total cholesterol kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , hdl-c kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(1* 40ml) , uric acid kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , triglycerides kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , calcium kit for mindray- bs-240 pro(4* 40ml) , ggt kit for mindray-bs-240 pro(4* 35ml) , multi control level -1 for mindray-bs-240 pro(1* 5ml) , multi control level-2 for mindray-bs-240 pro(1* 5 ml) , lipid calibirator for mindray-bs-240 pro(1* 1ml) , cd 80 detergent for mindray-bs-240 pro (1* ltr) , multisera calibrator for mindray-bs-240 pro(1* 3ml)
Tender For tender for supply of 69 laboratory reagents - albumin kit bcg , alkaline phosphatase kit alp , aso test , amylase kit , antihcv classets , bilirubin kit t & d , blood grouping sera anti a 10ml , blood grouping sera anti b 10ml , blood grouping sera anti d in bio clonal 10 m , calcium kit , cholesterol kit , creatinine kit , c reactive protein kit crp kit , c p k kit , c p k mb kit , esr pipatte disposable with cap , glucose god pap kit , hbvs ag austraio antigen test , hdl cholesterol kit direct , hiv test , ketodiastix strips , uristix strips , ldh kit , multistix strips , phosphrous kit , prothrombin time kit , ra test , ast sgot kit , alt sgpt kit , trigl ycerides kit , troponin t kit , urea kit bun , uric acid kit , urine pregency test , vdrl test , dengucheck kit , multicalibrator fully , acetone , chemistry control level i normal , chemistry control level ii raised , distilled water for lab 5lit , fuchest reagent , field stain a , field stain b , gram s iodine , methylene blue , safranine 0.5% , sulphuric acid 5% , sterile specimen container 20ml , vacutainer edta , vacutainer na citrate , vacutainer-na. fluoride , xylene , microscopic slides 75mm x 25mm x 1.30 , malaria card p f/p v) , hba ic test cartridges glycoslyted hb , vacutainer gel serum 4ml 13mmx75mm , lugol s iodine , widal antigen test igg/igm , normal saline laboratory , daily cleaning solutaion sens 12x15ml , lieshman s stain , total proteins kit biuret , occult blood sachest test , crp turbilatex c calibrator kit , ra turbilatex c calibrator kit , glass cover slip no 1 22mm sq 100 nos , immersion oil , ethanol
Tender For name of work : procurement of exp medical stores - micropipettes 5-50 ul, micropipettes 100-1000 ul, tube, kahn 75 mm x 10 mm diam, rimless, rapid hbsag kit of 30 tests, diluent (isotonac-3)18 litr(haematology analyser, detregent cleaner green(cleanac)5li, lyse(hemolynac-3n)500ml, cleaner strong(cleanac-3)5lit, daily cleaner solution (r-6)(nulyte smart electrolyte analyzer pack, calibration pack(nulyte electrolyte analyzer pack, hiv tridot pkt of 100, hcv tridot pkt of 100, trop - t card test ( test of 5), tsh kit compatible with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, t3 kit compatible with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, t4 kit compatible with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, vit d3 kit with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, psa kit compatible with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, ca 125 compatible with robonik readwell touch elisa plate analyser, hba1c erba, erba wash, tourniquete, diluent erba h360 20 ltr, elite erba h clean, chikengunia card, erba pm kit, lyse erba h 360 500ml, tsh kit fine care, t3 kit fine care, t4 kit fine care, vit d3 kit fine care, psa kit fine care, hba1c fine care, urit 10 g (urine reagent strip) bott of 100 strips, malaria ag. kit rapid, creatinine, dengue test, esr disposable piptte, kit for estimation of bilirubin., kit for estimation of cholestrol., kit for estimation of glucose., kit for estimation of triglyceride., kit for estimation of uric acid., lancet needle, micro tips 100-1000 ul pkt of 1000, micro tips 50-200 ul pkt of 1000, r.a factor, sgot kit, sgpt kit (erba), urea kit, urine container disposable, widal test, amylase kit, glucose strip accuchek active bott of 50 strips, glucose strip one touch ultra, glucose strip one touch ultra machine, glucose strip dr morepen, glucose strip one touch ultra machine, glucose strip accuchek active machine, glucometer accucheck active performa strips, typhoid cards, crp kit quantitative (erba)
Tender For bid to ras supply of kits for estimation of cholestrol semi automated , kits for estimation of glucose semi automated , kits for estimation of urea semi automated , kit for triglyceride estimation 100 ml , kit for estimation of hdl cholesterol , kits for estimation of uric acid semi automated , kits for estimation of creatinine , kit for estimation of bilirubin , microtips 200ul filter barrier and sterile , microtips 1000ul filter barrier and sterile , urine multistix cards min 10 parametres compatible to siemens urine analyser