Tender For supply of medicines - soluble insulininjection 40 iu or ml human actrapid vial of 10 ml , human insulin analogue rapid acting inj 100 iu or ml recombinant dna origin 300 iu disposable pen with 5 needles per pen , inj insulin aspart 100 u or ml 3 ml pen , soluble insulininjection 100 iu or ml human actrapid 3 ml pen , insulinisophane or nph 70 percent and human insulin or soluble insulin 30percent of mixtard 30 or 70 insulin inj 100 iu or ml 3 ml pen , insulin lispro biphasic 50 percent 50 percent insulin lispro and 50 percent insuline lispro protamine suspension 100iu or ml 3ml cartridge , insulin premixed biphasic human 50 percent human neutral 50 percent human isophaneinsulin 10 ml inj , biphasicisophaneinsulin 50 percent soluble insuline and 50 percent isophan insulin suspension 100 iu or ml 3 ml cartridge
Tender For supply of injection human insulin mixture of 30% s [injection human insulin mixture of 30% soluble insulin 70% isophaneinsulin(nph) 100 iu / ml ,3ml.cartidge,(1 pen and 10 needles should be supplied per 30 cartridges with free of cost)]