Tender For supply of bloodglucoseteststrips (v2) (q2) , urine test strip (q2) , hcv rapid test kits (q2) , hbsag rapid test kits (q2) , dual rapid test kit for hiv and syphilis (q2) , hemoglobin teststrips (q2)
Tender For supply of bloodglucoseteststrips (v2) (q2) , hemoglobin teststrips (q2) , urine test strip (q2) , hcv rapid test kits (q2) , dual rapid test kit for hiv and syphilis (q2) , typhoid rapid test kits (q2) , hbsag rapid test kits (q2) , glacial acetic acid (q3) , malaria rapid test kits (q2)
Tender For supply of hemoglobin teststrips (q2) , bloodglucoseteststrips (glucostrips) with glucometer (q2) , dual rapid test kit for hiv and syphilis (q2) , hbsag rapid test kits (q2) , hcv rapid test kits (q2) , glacial acetic acid (q3) , widal test kit (q2) , urine test strip (q2)