Tender For s.r.no.n2/ 474/2024-25 prov repairs of hvac system at eye,ent,minor, emergency ot anesthesia ot, and preoprative area, iccu ward no.15 iccu ward no.30, iccu ward no. 6 blood bank, ortho ot surgery ot, sonography, ipd, sonography and burn ward etc in
Tender For notice inviting etender for empanelment of state govt/psu empanelled hospitals, diagnostic centres for super speciality services and imaging/eye/dialysis centres and blood bank services
Tender For notice inviting tender for consumables 3 cell panel, anti- c, anti- e, anti- e etc. for transfusions medicine and blood bank department at all india institute of medical sciences, raipur.
Tender For notice inviting expression of interest for empanelment of sec care diagnostic imaging blood bank services to esic beneficiaries of esich vapi
Tender For supply of hiv elisa kit of 50 test - hiv elisa kit of 50 test , hbaag elisa kit of 50 test , hcv elisa kit of 50 test , vdrl test kit of 50 test , hiv 1 and 2 rapid test 4 generation kit of 50 test , hbsag rapid test kit of 50 test , hcv rapid test kit of 50 test , hemocue microcuvetters for hb percentage estimation , temp chart recorder for blood bank refrigerator 2c to 10c helmer , temp chart recorder for blood bank refrigerator 2c to 10c remi , esr test tube westergren method , tlc diluting fluid 100ml , rbc diluting fluid 100ml , giema stain readymade , reticulocyte stain 500 ml ready made cytochrome , leishman stain 500ml ready made cytochrome , phosphate buffer ph7.0 , glass tube 10 ml , rapid aso titre kit 20 test , rapid widal test kit 4 x 5 ml , grcott stain bott of 100 ml , pas stain bott of 100 ml , chlorofoam ar bott of 500 ml , acetone bott of 500 ml , emirsion oil for microscope bott of 30 ml , liquor ammonia bott of 500 ml , vaccutainer edta for paedriatric , vaccutainer sterile for paedriatric , glucose powder , blood cultur bottle adult , blood cultur bottle paediatric , swab stick sterile , syringe 2 ml , syringe 5 ml , syringe 10 ml , syringe 50 ml , vaccutainer sterile tube with needle gel 5 ml , vaccutainer sterile tube with needle without gel 5 ml , vaccutainer edta 3ml with needle , vaccutainer sodium flouride 5 ml with needle , vaccutainer sodium citrate 3 ml with needle , tourniquete , micropipettes tips for 1-200 iu pkt of 1000 , tissue embedding ring plastic white, 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding ring plastic orange 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding ring plastic yellow 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding cassette metal 3 x 3 point 5 x 1 cm , tissue embedding ring plastic green 1 cm height form base , new methylene blue rtu bottle of 120 ml , wright stain rtu bottle of 500 ml , viral transport media with two swabs , c reactive protein kit for 50 test , pt reagent kit of 25 tests , tissue cassettes and block holders , stainless steel tissue embedding moulds size small pack of 50 and large pack of 50 , uti cytochrome agar pack of 500 gm , hemocue rapid staining of blood smear sigma aldrich