Tender For corrigendum : supply of compressor spares - grill protection for suction valve part no part no , s a valve suction ist stage part no 8035.17.03.00 , s a valve suction 2nd stage part no 8035.17.10.00 , s a valve suction 3rd stage part no 8235.17.12.00 , ring 118x111x2 for valve cu part no 24.431.180.00 , washer 20x13x1 part no 23.560.203.00 , ring 129x118x2 copper part no 24.431.290.00 , screw tightening m12x1.75x60 for va lve part no 22.194.450.00 , sa valve discharge ist stage part no. 8035.17.04.00 , s a valve discharge 2nd stage part no 8035.17.11.00 , sa valve discharge 3rd stage part no. 8035.17.13.00 , s a valve suction 4th stage part no. 8035.17.14.00 , s a valve discharge 4rt stage part no. 8035.17.15.00 , ring 106x96x1 cu 3ha4 part no 24.431.061.00 , gasket edd quality 95.5x85x2 for 70 cr56 and 57 valve , element for suction filter part no 94.109.905.00 , valve plate part no 8036.12.81.00 , valve plate part no 8035.18.98.00 , ring piston compression , packing gland ring m55.8x32x10 part no , gasket 250x200x2 betwn body and cove r of fec 280d part no 24.442. , gasket 440 dx286 dx2 for cylinder 2 80 d part no 24.444.400.00 , ring piston compression 180d part no 35.324.690.00 , gasket front 305 dia x 244 dia x 2 and back 180 dia 185dia cylinder , gasket cover 180 dia x 130 dia x 2 front end part no 24.441.780.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white part no. 35.360.730.99 , ring piston compression 125d part no 35.324.140.00 , ring o 48x34x7 rubber ha and hb part no 24.540.340.00 , ring pressure breaker f gland pac king bronze part no 35.362.380 , ring piston 85d lub part no. 35.324.901.00 , ring 118x111.5x2 al ha hat part no. 24.421.180.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white 185 d part no 35.360.730.99 , pin dowel 10dx80 part no 23.311.090.00 , element secondary filter new desig part no 35.190.360.00 , bearing big end f conn rod part no , bearing bush main part no. , nut hex plain m20x2.5 part no. 22.072.335.00 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 part no 22.058.305.00 , tube bundle intercooler first stage part no 94.102.336.00 , tube bundle intercooler second stage part no 94.102.337.00 , tube bundle intercooler third stage part no 94.102.338.00 , s a pump oil 2 4 6 cylinder part no , bolt round head m20x2.5x147 2 4 6 c part no 21.580.200.00 , nut hex plain m20x2.5 en-24 condi tion part no 22.072.335.0 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 en-24 condit ion part no. 22.058.305.00 , ring piston compression 280d 280dx12x7 ci part no. 35.324.400.00 , ring piston compression 180 d part no 35.324.690.00 , ring piston compression 125d spl ci ha part no 35.324.140.00 , ring piston 85d lub spl ci ha part no 35.324.901.00 , s a valve 3 8 inch bsp n r for 1 2 3 stg part no. , sub assy nr valve high p cy. 4th stg part no. 35.800.400.00
Tender For supply of godrej forklift spares - pre filter element , fine filter element , radiator , hose radiator , wheel rim assembly , hose pump to h v p port , hose main valve to stg unit , hose valve to tee connector , hose tee to tilt cylinder , hose tee to tilt cylinder p e , clutch plate , clutch cores assembly , wood ruff key , hub oil seal , exhaust pipe 4r1040e , exhaust pipe engine end mh02522270 , gasket 02161129 , engine mounting pat pt no 59035299 , accelerator cable pt no mh36500002 , exhaust pipe engine end mh02361125 , brake drum , pin knuckle pt no mh02125181 , single joint assy 02016650 , accelerator cable pt no mh36500007 , hose radiator to tube
Tender For supply of bushing crank pin hse 5026c1, 30203335 , bushing main bearing r16430, 30181598 , bush x hd pin 11 stk 5027c1 , 30203384 , shoe crosshead 11 stk esv 714201 , 30715007 , gasket hp, 9791d1ct98 , ring and spring set lp 03t32wim et of 6 rings, 95009460 , ring and spring set hp 51hf321m set of 18 rings, 95097515 , free air unloader, x1334ta480 , gasket packing case, x1014t45 40fx , ring piston cft 10inches fit in hp cylinder with width 20 mm 50a18ca822, 95570453 , ring wearing cft 10inches fit in hp cylinder with width 61 mm win8656t24, 70210745 , ring piston cft 14inches fit in lp cylinder 50a18ba1004, 95215869 , ring wearing cft 14inches fit in lp cylinder 26hin5979, 94432051 , assembly oil pump prv 4959b1, 645781,7w107269,1w96366,1w96367,22a4c7,24a13c289 , oil pump assembly, 7w104674
Tender For repairing of engine fuel pump, flywheel manifold silencer, electric side and running maintenance of diesel engine rb66 70hp 1500rpm 06 cylinder water cooled kirloskar make diesel engine of karma project under kuju area.