Tender For corrigendum : tn-15280 supply of various couplings and grid springs installed in mill area for reducer main drive system, lube oil system and seal air system of ball tube mills bbd-4760 of stage iii, iv and v of kstps, kota
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of lube oil spares for st fans for ntpc mouda - oil cooler,cenlub,boiler, oil cooler,cenlub,fd lo system,175 lpm, oil cooler,cenlub,id lo system,80 lpm, suc.strainer,cenlub,fd fan lo sys,175lpm
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of turbine type flow transmitter for bfps lube oil cooler system installed in tg area of unit 3 and 4, sstpp, stage-ii, mppgcl dongalia, distt. khandwa
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of coriolis mass flow meters for bfps lube oil system installed in tg area of unit 3 and 4, sstpp, stage-ii, mppgcl, dongalia, distt. khandwa
Tender For corrigendum : supply of various couplings and grid springs installed in mill area for reducer main drive system , lube oil system and seal air system of ball tube mills bbd-4760 of stage iii, iv and v of ktps, kota