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Tender For replacement of defective cable, outlived leds & re-alignment/straightening of location boxes over jabalpur division of west central railways (signalling work)
Tender For supply of continuous computer stationery single ply fan folded to is:12766/97 with d etachable sprocket holes on both sides .size depth 12" x 15" made of 70gsm.good qualit y plain milk paper with indian railway monogram printed in single colour at the top left hand corner of all sheets each.detachable sprocket hold portions shall be of width 0. 5"on both sides.the name of the manufacturer shall be printed on the detachable spoc ket hold portion.inside of all the boxes,the stationery shall be packed with 2cm thickn ess of thermocole to all the six sides of the thick corrugated box.the packing shall b e 2000 se as per the packing shall be 2000 sets in each box. [ warranty period: 30 m onths after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of continuous computer stationery three ply fan folded to is.12766/97 with d etachable sprocket holes on both sides. size depth 12" x width 15" made of 70 gsm each ply. good quality plain milk white paper with the indian railway monogram printed in sin gle colour at the top left hand corner of all sheets each . detachable sprocket hole p ortions of each ply shall be of width 0.5" on both sides and suitably glued so as to avo id separation of each ply during printing on high speed printers. the name of the manuf acturer shall be printed on detachable sprocket hole portion.each set shall be proper ly tw as per each set shall be properly two crimp locks both si as per specn. cole to all the six sides of the thick corrugated box. the packing shall be 500 sets in each b ox. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of furnishing plate for conventional coaches without engraving coach no.,c oach type and date of manufcature, as per drawing: cc64116 alt f, packing instruction: card board boxes [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repair refurbishment of 02 nos resistance boxes of long travel motion of 30 ton portal crane at sw nd mbi
Tender For supply of demolition of precast concrete block masonary built in cement mortar , demolition of reinforecement concrete in roof, floors , taking down door and windows of chokhats or frames exe 1.5 sqm but in exc 4 sqm each with shutters , removal building materials, etc to a distance of 5.0km or under, beyond the lead including in the rate, including loading, unloading and stacking at the distination , dismantling water tank and removing to store 500-1000ltr , taking down or up steel tubing 15mm dia galvanised alongwith fittings and removing to store , taking down or up steel tubing 20mm dia galvanised alongwith fittings and removing to store , taking down copper or aluminium point wiring , taking down carefully by unscrewing from boards or outlets boxes, fittings and fixtures , taking down serviceable mcb dbs 08 way removing materials to store , taking down serviceable any type and capacity mcbs spn, sp etc removing materials to stoe
Tender For supply of drawing exercise book (q4) , black lead pencils (v2) as per is 1375 (q4) , eraser (q4) , manual pencil sharpener (v2) (q3) , geometry boxes (v2) as per is 2533 (q4) , school chalks, moulded, white as per is 2694 (q4) , graph paper (q4) , metric scales (plastic) for general purposes as per is 1480 (q4) , sketch pen (v2) (q4) , fluid correction pen (v2) (q4) , ring binder - file folder (q4) , markers for white board (v2) (q4) , permanent marker pen (q4) , desktop calculator - electronics (q4) , stamp pads (q4) , ball point pens (v2) as per is 3705 (q4) , water colours / poster colours (v2) (q4) , colour pencil (v2) (q4) , tags for files (v2) as per is 8499 (q4) , stapler pin / staples (v2) (q4) , exercise notebook for science (q4) , exercise notebook for hindi writing (q4)