Tender For procurement of breathingaircompressor with built in auto stop with fixed setting pressure switch along with commissioning and training work for firefighting div. htps, korba west.
Tender For supply of inflatable air bag, capacity 40 t (minimum) with high pressure breathingaircompressor & at tachment [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of hermitically sealed scroll compressor of emerson climate model no. zr 61 kce tfd 522 suitable for r- 407c refrigerant working on 415 v ac 50 hz confirming to rdso specification no rdso / pe / spec / ac / 0061 - 2005 (rev 1 ). oems or authorized dealers (with documentary evidence) or r dso approved vendors for rmpus only to quote. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repair rate contract for portable hp breathingaircompressor bauer held onboard indian naval submarines
Tender For supply of hermetically sealed scroll compressor suitable for r-407c refrigerant gas, working on 415 vol t ac 50 hz confirming to rdso spec no. rdso/pe/spec/ac/0061-2005(rev-1) or latest. as per model no. zr 61 kce tfd 522 of m/s emerson make [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of md hp breathingaircompressor 9 cfm , air dryer , combined started or control panel , gauge assembly board with suction and discharge pressure gauge pipes isolation cocks etc. , loose fittings and instrumentation as applicable , shock mounts with center and side holding down fasteners , flexible pipes bellows for all equipment interface with external loose supplied system , electrical items for connectorisation termination that lugs gland etc , first submission of binding drawing , documentation hard copy , documentation soft copy , ietm documentation , service of service engineer for stw commissioning trail cst etc 10 mandays in 2 sorties per eqpt , service of service engineer for electrical work pre checks cable connection instrumentation etc 1 mandays in 1 sorties per eqpt , preservation and de preservatives , commissioning spares , onboard spares , standard and special tools , training and training material