Tender For supply of fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer without printer as per rdso spec. no: rdso /2015 /el / spec/0119(rev.2), [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For providing of calibration services - fuel cell sensor based digital breath alcohol analyzer; medical device calibration; nabl labs, csir labs, oem or authorized oem representative; hybrid (detailed in scope of work)
Tender For supply of dual mode (cms compatible & hand held) breath alcohol analyzer with printer and as per rdso spec no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119(rev2), dt:15.03.2018.
Tender For supply of fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer with printer one set consistin g of of following items: (1)alcohol breath analyser (2) charger for breathanalyser (3) por table thermal wireless printer (4) charger for printer (5) usb cable (6) paper roll for print er (7) software cd for data transfering to pc (8) instruction manual (9) carry case, as per r dso spec no rdso 2015 el spec 0119 rev2 issued on 15 03 2018. [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]