Tender For bid to ras supply of printing - do pad , a and d book , lab investigation form hiv , prescription pad , long roll register , medical case sheet , birth certificate , intiake output chart , pre anaesthesia check form , kilometer card , clincial chart , bio chemistry form clinical pathology , lrc form , death form , special investigation form , histopathology report , microbiology report form , bone marrow report , bp chart , blood transfusin form , consent form both side , medical case sheetn delivery and antennal note , anetanatal case sheet , daily expense voucher anaes , feedback form patients , willing unwilling form , hsr book , dmo register , mlc form pad , diagnosis pad , tally card yellow , log and service book , x ray register , anaesthesia register a3 size , lab register
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservice for soil investigation arch structural dwgs for the work constrcution of static rocket test centre srtc at arde
Tender For corrigendum : tender document for survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of sewer line of 72 km under kanadiya stp area and 1 no. ips and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 ye
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 40 mld tigriya badshah and sewer line of 64 km and 1 no. ips of 30 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 y
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 80 mld dhankhedhi and sewer line of 163 km and 1 no. mps of 80 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 years