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C Dot Frame Scrap Tenders

Get complete information related to latest C Dot Frame Scrap Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic C Dot Frame Scrap Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding C Dot Frame Scrap Tenders .


Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

CTN :38557743 Due date: 01 Jan, 202501 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of gpa support antina - 130mm cluster wheel for limber stand , magnetic board , veh axle stand for jack , gpa antina extention from bty comd post 100mtr , gpa support stand , 556mm insas firing stand for 4rifle , wireless data voice communication system


CTN :38520482 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of wireless communication with display board

CTN :38602221 Due date: 26 Dec, 202426 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - supply installation and commissioning of wireless communication links bw main plant and bijaura awrs for switchgear scada at munpl

CTN :38589554 Due date: 03 Jan, 202503 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of modular structure containerized shooting range made of annual repair five hundred,master control unit complete with systems and accessories,wireless overhead target system,firing bays nij level three protection two lanes,bullet trap system,anti ricochet treatment of side walls,anti ricochet range flooring five mm anti ricochet panels,virtual target system with facilities to project target on screen upto five hundred meters with laser detection,target protection wall to protect target system from bullet hits,overhead hanging three oblique eight inch annual repair five hundred steel ceiling baffles from firing point to bullet trap,acoustic reduction system including noise reduction ear plugs qty ten,range ventilation system,automated lighting system with associated cabling and ducting,communication system and cctv,training weapons and cartridges with ak fourty seven replica and two thousand rounds red oblique blue,fire fighting annual repairrangements fire extinguishers etc,weather proofing system,installation and commissioning of complete pro

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38067349 Due date: 20 Dec, 202420 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of wireless communication system for wagon pusher

CTN :38506826 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of wireless dismounted soldier communication system (situational intelligence visualization awareness s , wireless dismounted soldier communication system (intelligent charging system)

CTN :38506840 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of wireless dismounted soldier communication system (situational intelligence visualization awareness s , wireless dismounted soldier communication system (intelligent charging system)

CTN :38507482 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 19.84 Lacs
Tender For supply of palm sized unattended ground sensor system - fog penetrating sensor , microcontroller and components , lcd display , wireless communication module , location update module , power supply module including battery

CTN :38473458 Due date: 26 Dec, 202426 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of modular structure containerized shooting range , bullet trap system , anti ricochet treatment of side walls , overhead hanging , anti ricochet range flooring , wireless overhead target system , virtual target system , overhead shed , training weapons and cartridges , target protection wall , firing bays nij level iii protection , master control unit complete set , range ventilation system , acoustic reduction system including noise reduction ear plugs , automated lighting system , communication system and cctv , fire fighting arrangements , electrical outfitting of entire range

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38454444 Due date: 26 Dec, 202426 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of book bank list - elements of x ray diffraction , concepts of genetics , microeconomics , research methods in social sciences , data structures using c , problem solving and program design in c , cryptography and network security principles and practice , computer networks , modern operating systems , introduction to automata theory languages and computation , event management , basics of event management , communication systems , electronics circuit analysis and design , principles of electromagnetics , computer system architecture , computer organization and architecture , design and analysis of computer algorithms , python for programmers , fundamentals of database system , artificial intelligence a modern approach , introduction to machine learning , inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity , postcolonial literature an introduction , contemporary literary and cultural theory from structuralism to ecocriticism , elements of the theory of computation , modern digital and analog communication , organic chemistry , electronic devices and circuit theory , wireless communication principles and practice , marketing management , material science and engineering , quantum mechanics , genetics , digital fundamentals , learning and teaching , financial administration in india , basic accounting , complex variables theory and applications , communication system engineering , engineering circuit analysis , data communications and networking , digital logic and computer design
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