Tender For procurement of lab reagents and consumables on pac basis - albumin bcp , alkaline phosphatase , alanine aminotransferase , aspartate aminotransferase , calcium cpc , cholesterol 2 , hdl cholesterol , ldl cholesterol , creatinine , direct bilirubin , gamma glutamyl transferase , glucose hexokinase , inorganic phosphorus , iron , lactate dehydrogenase l p , magnesium , total bilirubin , tibc , total protein , triglyceride , urea nitrogen , uric acid , haemoglobin a1c 3 , microalbumin urine , c reactive protein , rhematoid factor , transferrin , atellica ch a lyte na k c l , a lyte imt standard a , a lyte imt standrad b plus salt bridge , a lyte imt diluent , a lyte imt dilution check , atellica ci free thyroxine ft4 , atellica ci free triiodothyronine ft3 , atellica ci tsh3 ul ii , atellica ci vitamin b 12 vb12 , atellica ci vitamin d total vitd , atellica ci ferritin fer , atellica ci fsh , atellica ci luteinizing hormone lh , atellica ci prolactin prl , atellica ci testosterone ii tstii , atellica ci total hsg thcg , atellica amh , atellica ci progestrone prge , atellica ci enhanced estradiol ee2 , atellica ci psa , atellica ci free psa , atellica ci atpo , atellica ci pth , atellica ci total ige tige , atellica ci folate fol , atellica ci cortisol cor , atellica ci dhea so4 dheas , alp 2 cal , chem cal , enz 1 cal , enz 2 cal , hdlc cal , ldlc cal , a1c enz cal , crp 2 cal , microalbumin urine cal , spcl chem cal , check reagent , cleaner , conditioner , diluent , dilution cuvette , label 2 x 1 therm trans , lamp coolant , reaction cuvette , rgt probe cleaner 1 , rgt probe cleaner 2 , rgt probe cleaner 4 , wash , water bath additive , barcode labels , printer ribbon , tube top sample cup 1ml , cuvettes , sample tips , acid , base , wash 1 , apw1 , apw3 2pk , t3 t4 vb12 anc rgt 2pk , vb12 dtt rel kit , fol dtt rel kit , cal 30 2pk , cal 80 2pk , cal a 2pk , cal b 2pk , cal c 2pk , cal e 2pk , cal o 2pk , cal q 2pk , multi diluent 1 2pk , multi diluent 3 2pk , thcg diluent , ee2 dil 2pk , tlge dil 2pk , vitd dil 2pk , fol dil 2 pk , vitd qc kit 2 lev x 3 vials x 2ml , ch reagent probe , ch dilution and sample probe , ch source lamp , im reagent probe , im aspirate probe , im waste probe , ci preventive maintenance kit , atellica im active b12 quality control ab 12 qc , atellica im amh quality control , atellica im anti thyroid peroxedase qc , atellica im intact para thyroid hormone quality control
Tender For online tender for the rate contract for the supply of dental items to various hospitals of government of haryana for a period of two years for group c - cotton rolls ( small, pkt of 1000 pcs), disposable patient drape sheet 1*1mm, gum paint based on tannic acid, potassium iodide, zinc chloride, glycerine with thymol/ menthol /cetrimide, liquid 15 ml bottle, hybrid composite resin for anteriors (all shades), high strength, long lasting wear resitance, great handling without stick, 4 gm isi/ iso/ce/marked., rubber dam kit adult, box of 152*152 mm, medium rubber dam sheets, 152 mm template, 152 mm plastic dental dam frame, 6-11 clamps pack with clamp holder, rubber dam clamp forcep, rubber dam punch mdr/isi/iso/ce marked, glass ionomer cement- type-ix, high strenth for posterior teeth, chemical setting without shrinkage, strontium based, high flouride releasing, 12 to 15 gm powder and 5 to 10 gm liquid, mdr/isi/iso/ce marked, restroative cement type - ii - (15 gm powder & 10 to 13 gm liquid), strontium based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, resistant to demineralization,hydrophylic properties, flouride releasing, high compressive stregth, low solubility, low flexure strength, bonds to both dentin and enamel. shade :- pale yellow, shade :- pale yellow, mdr/isi/iso/ce certified /usfda, restroative cement type - ii - (15 gm powder & 10 to 13 gm liquid), strontium based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, resistant to demineralization,hydrophylic properties, flouride releasing, high compressive stregth, low solubility, low flexure strength, bonds to both dentin and enamel., shade :- yellow brown, mdr/isi/iso/ce certified /usfda, restroative cement type - ii - (15 gm powder & 10 to 13 gm liquid), strontium based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, resistant to demineralization,hydrophylic properties, flouride releasing, high compressive stregth, low solubility, low flexure strength, bonds to both dentin and enamel., shade :- dark grey, mdr/isi/iso/ce certified /usfda, disposable suction tips pkt of 100, mineral trioxide aggregate mdr/isi/ iso/ce/marked., silver alloy non gamma-2 lathe cut alloy, 30 gm vial mdr/isi/iso/ce marked, niti hand files (21 mm) size- 15-40, for curved canals, pkt. of six mdr/isi/iso/ ce marked, pit & fissure sealant ( 6 ml bottle) solution with high flouride releasing, low viscocity, high retention, rapid cure & low solubility. mdr/isi/iso/ce marked/usfda, preadjusted edgewise stainless steel bracket kit containing upper and lower 2nd premolar to 2nd premolar bondable brackets with upper triple and lower double weldable molar tubes and mbt 0.022 prescription, fiber- reinforced splinting material- bondable reinforced ribben fiber-approx 2mm width mdr/isi/ iso/ce/marked., niti rotary files 4% 21mm (pkt. of 6). refill packs of #15,#20,#25,#30,#35,#40 (size to be specified at the time of order), addition silicone impression material (600 ml putty with 2 cartridges of 50 ml light body), air rotor spray isi/iso/ce marked, calciumhydroxide, paste system based and catalyst -radiopaque, 4 gm mdr/isi/iso/ce marked, acidulated phosphate fluoride gel 1.25%(apf), gic luting pkt. of 30-35gm powder, flowable composite 2-4 grams, x-ray processing solution(set of developer & fixer powder, manual, to make 13.5 ltr solution), root canal spreaders pkt. of 6 #15-40 21mm, dental chair covering sterilized cling foil rolls mdr/isi/ iso/ce/marked., mta pkt. of 1gm, tooth preparation kit (set of 14 burs), root canal k files 21mm (pkt. of 6) #15-40, dental amalgam capsules pkt. of 50 capsules, impression compound, gic restorative pkt. of 10-15 gm powder, bleaching kit, diamond burs- various shapes including round, tapered round, flat fissure, pear (size and shape of burs required will be specified at the time of order)- coarse / fine grit. pkt of 5, niti rotary files 4% 25mm (pkt. of 6). refill packs of #15,#20,#25,#30,#35,#40 (size to be specified at the
Tender For bid to ras supply of echs procurement exp items - files stainless steel length 25 mm size no 45-80 set of 6 , k files size 6, 25 mm , k files size 8, 25 mm , k files size 15-40, 28mm , k file no 10 size 21mm , spreaders 21 mm 15-40 , broach, nerve canal bottle barbed assorted size pkt of 6 , single rotary glide path file 21 mm set of 03 , protaper gutta percha points f1 , protaper gutta percha points f2 , endo access bur set of 03 , sol sod-hypochlorite 2 persent for endodontic irrigation bott of 500 ml , points absorbent root canal assorted box of 6 tubes containing assor , root canal sealer paste for obturation containg two tubes , gp solvent bott of 20 ml , 2 persent chlorhexidine for intra canal irrigation bott of 100 ml , root canal calciumhydroxidepaste , brush bristle mounted small cup shaped for right angle handpiece , prophylaxis paste jar of 200 gm , polishing cup rubber, mounted soft rahp pkt of 12 , gum paint bott of 15 gm , intra dental brush pkt 05 , dental floss pkt of 50 bid number/ ( ( ) ) : gem/2024/b/5733350 dated/ * : 20-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 1 / 21
Tender For tender for supply of dglp re 298 lab - glucose system pack kit 10 x 44ml , urea 5 x 44 per 5 x 11ml erba system pack , creatinine 5 x 44 per 5 x 11ml erba system pack , uric acid 5 x 44 per 5 x 11ml erba system pack , bilirubin direct 6 x 44 per 3 x 22 ml erba system pack , bilirubin total 6 x 44 per 3 x 22 ml erba system pack , total protein csf urine kit of 80 test , albumin 10 x 44 ml erba system pack r 1 , sgot system pack kit 6 x 44 ml per 3 x 22 ml , sgpt system pack r1 6 x 44 r2 3x22 ml , cholesterol 10x44 ml erba system pack , triglycerides 5x44 per 5x11ml erba system pack , hdl cholesterol 4x30 per 4x10 ml erba system pack , alkaline phosphatase 2x44 per 2x22ml erba system pack , erba amylase system pack 2x22 ml , calcium a 10x12 ml erba system pack , phosphorus 10x12 ml erba system pack , erba ggt system pack r1 2 x 44 r2 2x 11 ml , erba systempack lipase 1x16 per 1x10ml , magnisium system pack r1 2x44 ml , erba ckmb system pack r1 2x44 r2 2x11 ml , ck 2x44 per 2x11 ml erba system pack , microprotein system pack kit 10x12 ml , uibc 125 r1 4 x 25 r2 2 x 12 08 jan 20255ml calibrater 2 x 2 ml , fe 125 r 1 4 x 25 ml r 2 2 x 12 ml calibrator 2 x 2 ml , erba norm 1x5 ml pack erba system pack , erba path 1x5 ml erba system pack , xl multical 4x3 ml erba system pack , xl turbi crp system pack r1 2x22 ml per r2 1x11ml , xl turbi rf system pack r1 2x22 ml r2 1x5 point 5ml , erba pm kit for auto analyser em360 , erba auto wash 10x100 ml system pack , crp per rf control 1 1x1ml , crp per rf control 2 1x1ml , xl ada 1x20ml , ada control 1x1ml
Tender For supply of exp dental material - non absorbable black braided silk suture pkt of 12 sutures , type ix glass ionomer restorative materialketac molar , gum paint containing iodine potassium iodide tanic acid thymol glycerine and alum , choline salicylate and lignocaine hcl gel tube of 10g , denture box , lignocaine hcl inj percent sol with adrenaline box of 50 cartridge , interdental brush narrow space pkt of 12 x 5 brushes , youni floss dental pkt of 50 flosses , benzydamine hydrochloride 0 point 15 percent wv methylparaben and propylparaben mouth wash bott of 100 ml , povidone iodine gargle 2percent wv bott of 100 ml , desensitizing tooth paste potassium nitrate bp 5 percent sodium monofluro phosphate ups 0 point 7 percent tube of 50 g , lucitone high impact acrylic denture base material and liquid heat cure , cold cure liquid and powder pink and clear , sterillium bott of 500ml , gloves nitrile medium box of 100 , calciumhydroxidepaste containing iodoform syg of 2g metapex , root repair material mta pkt of 1g powder 2ml liquid , green stick wax