Tender For annual maintenance contract rate contract for copper slag blasting, painting works for vpa floating crafts for a period of 05 years 2nd call
Tender For the work of cleaning of slag pot area, cutting loading & shifting of skull from basement and removal of slag from sticked slag pot of sms for 2 years
Tender For expression of interest for selection of associate partner through prebid tie up from experienced agencies for setting up and operation of plants for ld slag processing transportation and metal recovery for various end uses at sail bokaro steel plant
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - refractory management of cast house trough iron slag runners tilting runners taphole periphery for hot metal production from blast furnace for a period of one 1 year for 3 mtpa integrated steel plant at nagarnar near jagda..
Tender For corrigendum : refractory management of cast house trough, iron and slag runners, tilting runners and taphole periphery for hot metal production from blast furnace for a period of one (1) year for 3.0 mtpa integrated steel plant at nagarnar near jagdalpur
Tender For providing of handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - handling & transport service, bottom ash slag and clinkers from boiler