Tender For exterior paint removal from coach body and pu spray painting in various schedule , interior painting of of icf / rcf / lhb bg coaches and marking / stencilling of icf bg coaches at carriage workshop, jodhpur (24 months)
Tender For upgrdation of guest houses under bktc - pine wood celling 8mm thick with gi section framing , specification confirming to 15: 3670-1989. offer price is in per sq meter (buyer to orde quantity of area to be covered in sq meter. as per site installation. , 2 white wash asian paint , apply putty, rastik work should be as per is specifications , shesham wood make box type double bed size (6'x5') back side cushion with side corner table. , 4 shesham wood make box type bed wooden six (63) back side cushion with side comertable. , ? teak wood chair with cushion 32 density foam with 5 year warranty. , wooden table teakwood 3"x3" , 7 blanket both side woolen double bed , blanket both side woolen single bed , mattress sleepwell double bed , 10. mattress sleepwell single bed , 11. bed sheet double bed linning , 12 bed sheet single bed lnning , 11 plastic chair cushion (supreme) , 14 plastic table (supreme) , 15 carpet woolen size 6x, wall painting 4x4 , artificial grass 25mm with site installation , first quality curtain with stitching , & steel rod at site installation. , door mart 3 , teak wood 32mm thick door all room , wpc window at site installation 6x4 , ac 2 tonne voltas , teen steel box 6'4' , shesham wood make box type single bed 6x3 , mattress single bed , comfortline s thickness 5 year warranty , mattress double bed , comfortline s thickness 5 year warranty , side table wooden with pu polish , shesham wood make box type double bed 5x6 , plain back hand made paint , steal almirah 78"x36"x19 , revolving chair (rayon) , iron office table 4x2.5 , side drawer , plastic chair namal
Tender For repairs to certain b/r work services incl camouflagingpainting overhead tank reservior for water supply various w/s installations at af stn adampur
Tender For set of pu paint for wag9 hc locos painting consisting of 4 items : (1). pu grass green f inish paint as per rdso specification no.m&c/ pcn/100 /2018 ,quantity: 40 liters/set( in 10 liters tin). (2).pu golden yellow finish paint as per rdso specification no.m&c/pcn/100/2018, quant ity : 5 liters /set(in one liter cane) .(3)pu surfacer (primer) as per rdso specification no.m& c/ pcn/ 100 / 2018 ,quantity: 30 liters/set (in 10 liters tin).(4). pu thinner compatible with pu finis h paintas per rdso specification no.m&c/pcn/100/2018, quantity : 40 liters/set(in 10 liters tin ). wi th rdso amendment no.1b (rev-2.0) & spec no. : m &c/ pcn/ 110/ 2020(rev.1.0) note: shelf life 12 months (min.).warranty period-12 month(s) from the date of supply. make- nerolac, asian , prolite, nippon or equivalent [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For pu paint, aircraft blue, shade : isc no. 108. matl.& specn : epoxy cum polyurethane pain ting system (two pack) for the exterior painting of railway coaches as per rdsos spec. no. m&c/ pcn/ 100/ 2018 with rdsos amendment no. 1b (rev. 2.0) as an additional requirement. packing : for touc h up painting, during poh, the paint supplier shall supply the material in one liter packing and bulk sup ply of paint shall be in 20 litres packing. however, for bulk supply, if the supplier supplies component a (referred as enamel) and component b (referred as hardener) for finishing operation in 20 litres of pack ing in total (i.e. 16 litres of components a and 04 litres of component b), that will also be accepted. [ w arranty period: 10 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For 1. supply and application of wet on wet modified exterior painting system as per specification mmdts- 18034-rev-02 & additional requirements to mmdts-18034,rev-02 is sued on 21/2/2025. 2. the finish coat (top colour coat) shall be drg.no.741-8-3-001. pcrt o f paints. 1. degreaser - 02 litres. 2. light weight body filler mdts- 176-rev-04 - 16 kgs. 3. ad hesion promoting primer to spec-mdts-48279-rev-02 - 80 litres. 4. unsaturated polyester b ased knifingputty(twopack) compatible to wet onwet system to mmdts-18034-rev-02 colo ur grey- 32 kgs. 5. pu based surfacer (two pack) on side walls and roof to mmdts-18034-r ev-02 -40 litres. 6. pu based top coat silver grey shade ral-7001 to mmdts- 18034 rev-02-40 l itres. 7.pu based top coat signal red to shade of 537 of is-5-2017 to mmdts- 18034-rev-02 - 1 0 litres. 8. pu based top coat to shadeof ral ds 240-60-35 to mmdts-18034-rev-02 -10 litres. 9 . pu thinner compatible with pu paint system offered - 60 litres. 10. wet on wet pu anti gra ffitti clear coat to spec rdso/m&c/pcn/127-2 litres. 11. wet on wet pu clear coat - 10 litres. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]