Tender For procurement of spares of coke cutting pump and coke cutting system installed in dcu of paradip refinery from m/s ruhrpumpen gmbh as per technical specifications mentioned in enquiry cum offer (annexure-a) - procurement of spares of coke cutting pump and coke cutting system installed in dcu of paradip refinery from m/s ruhrpumpen gmbh. as per technical specifications mentioned in enquiry cum offer . (annexure-a), complete cartridge rotor adc6x10, pump shaft p/n 211, profile joint p/n 410, valve part ct 5"-6" p/n 750, cutting tool 6"#2500 assy, bearing shell p/n 370, double thrust bearing p/n 315, cam follower 5/8 in dia,p/n:94003386
Tender For supply of electrically operated lifting barrier complete set suitable for 110v ac / 24v dc sup ply, without hand generator back up, and motorized boom locking arrangements as per rdso spec.no. sp n/208/2012 ver. 2.0 or latest. the 02 nos. of barriers of length 09.76 meter should be supplied along with stop boards and light. the spares & tool kit mentioned in rdso spec. no. rdso/ spn/208/2012 ver. 2.0 and amndt. 1 or latest, clause 10.1 & 10.2 reproduced as below should be supplied along with each full set :- i) gi boom - 1 no. complete. ii) belt - 1 no. iii) crank handle - 1 no. iv) motor contactor - 1 no. v) motor prote ction mcb - 1 no. vi) push button complete - 2 nos. vii) limit switch - 3 nos. (1 lever type and 2 top roller ty pe) viii) fuses used - 2 sets. tool kit consisting of standard sizes of wrinch/ spanner and allen keys should a lso be supplied with each set (02 nos.) of electric lifting barrier. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of 1a ballast pump with priming unit spacer coupling with spares o-ring tool kit fixing mechanical shaft seal mechanical shaft seal, 1b ballast pump with spacer coupling with spares like o ring tool kit fixing mechanical shaft seal mechanical shaft seal, 1c seawater ballast pump with spacer coupling with spares like o ring tool kit fixing mechanical shaft seal mechanical shaft seal, 2a technical support by deploying relevant engineer or technical manpower during installation, testing and commissioning of ballast pumps with electrical motors at site for item bp3, bp 4 and item bp 5, bp 6, 2b technical support by deploying relevant engineer or technical manpower during installation, testing and commissioning of ballast pumps with electrical motor at site for item bp 1, bp 2, delivery