Tender For proposals for the comprehensive planning, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and training of an advanced cardiopulmonary support system including heart lung machine, heater cooler unit and head light for cardiac surgery at iisc, bangalore.
Tender For supply of consumables, suture and surgical items for ctvs dep of ssb - description, tri extension line 15 cm disposable double dome transducer complete kit compatible to monitor (mindray 12channel), p. m. line m/m 200 cm, p.m. line m/f150 cm/200 cm, extension line with 3 way - 150 cm, extension line with 3 way - 200cm, adult triple lumen center line catheter 7fr, 4 lumen cvp catheter 7fr/13-16cm, 4 lumen cvp catheter 8fr-13cm -20cm, 3 way stop cock, adult ventilator circuit with catheter mount with hme filter, arterial cannula with flow switch 20g 45 mm, arterial cannula with guide wire 16g, 18g, 20g, 4 lumens thermodilution pa/swan guanze catheterimported(us fda approved will be preferred), catheter embolectomy fogarty 2fr, 3fr /40-60 cm , 4fr,5fr,6fr,7fr/80cm -100cm each, single lumen catheter, 10 cm extension line, 26 number needle, double lumen tube(dlt) 28,30,32,35,36,37,39 left, double lumen tube(dlt) 28,32,35,36,37 right, inj. febrinorel 1 gm, double lumen tube(dlt) 28,32,35,36,37 right, adult membrane oxygenator (to be supplied with suitable oxygenator holder), pediatric membrane oxygenator (to be supplied with suitable oxygenator holder), neonatel membrane oxygenator (to be supplied with suitable oxygenator holder), custom tubing(usp class vi) pack adult (usp class vi implant tested), custom tubing pack pediatric (usp class vi implant tested), arterial filter with bypass line pediatric, arterial filter with bypass line adult, cardioplegia delivery system (to be supplied with suitable holder), aortic cannula wire reinforced angled tip size 18 to 24 fr, aortic cannula wire reinforced angled tip size 8 to 16 fr, venous cannula wire reinforced straight tip size 24 to 36 fr, venous cannula wire reinforced straight tip size 10 to 34 fr, venous cannula wire reinforced right angled metal tip size 12 to 30 fr, cardioplegia / aortic root cannula antigrade with vent size 7 to 9 fr (14 to16 g), left ventricular vent catheter with malleable or stiff guide wire 14 fr - 20 fr, act tube actalyte compatible with our machine, two stage venous cannula wire reinforced with 1/2 x 1/2 connector size - 32/40, 34/38, 34/48, 36/51, antegrade coronary ostial cannula with flexible with balloon tip / malleable shaft soft tip size 6 to 14 fr imported (us fda approved will be preferred), disposable intra cardiac sucker with 1/4" connector adult: right angled and obtuse angled, sump type/bullet type imported (us fda approved will be preferred), disposable intra cardiac sucker with 1/4" connector pediatric : right angled and obtuse angled, sump type/bullet type, pericardial sump catheter (bullet type) 12 fr to 20 fr, intracardial sump catheter (bullet type) 12 fr to 20 fr, right angled venous cannula small tip12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28fr imported (us fda approved will be preferred), retrograde (coronary sinus) cardioplegia cannula with self inflatable balloon and stylet. 13 to18fr imported (us fda approved will be preferred), arterial perfusion cannula (femoral) straight plain with 3/8 connector; variable sizes. imported (us fda approved will be preferred), venous perfusion cannula (femoral) straight plain with 3/8 connector; variable sizes. imported (us fda approved will be preferred), multiple perfusion sets with 3 / 4 legs, left atrial pressure measurement line, standard haemo concentrator set ,for adult use, connector 1/2x1/2 st, connector 1/4x1/4x1/4 y, connector 3/8x3/8 ll, connector 1/4x1/4 ll, connector 1/4x1/4 st, connector 1/4x1/4x1/4 y ll, connector 3/8x3/8 st, cpg connector 1/4x1/4 mll, connector 3/16 x1/4, connector 3/8x1/4x1/4 y, connector 3/8x3/8x3/8 y, connector 1/2x3/8x3/8 y, connector 1/2 x3/8 st, intra cardiac sump dlp.20fr, cardiotomy sucker, standard haemo concentrator set for pediatrics use, intra aortic balloon catheter insertion kit with arrow pump adaptor all different sizes used for maquet cs 300, elongated one piece aortic cannula 8fr to 24 fr, cardiac tissue stabilization system: for beating heart surgery (suction based-o
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of reagents for robotic modular clinical chemistry and immunoassay integrated machine - procurement of reagents for robotic modular clinical chemistry and imunoassay integrated machine ( ci series), oncology/cancer : reagent for afp, reagent for ca 125 , reagent for ca 15-3, reagent for ca 19-9xr, reagent for 72-4, reagent for cea, reagent for cyfra 21-1, reagent for free psa, reagent for he4, reagent for nse, reagent for pivka-ii, reagent for progrp, reagent for roma, reagent for scc, reagent for total psa, cardiac: reagent for bnp, reagent for stat ck- mb, reagent for galectin -3, reagent for stat myoglobin, reagent for alere nt-probnp, reagent for stat high sensitive, fertility/pregnancy: reagent for total -hcg, reagent for dhea- s, reagent for esteradiol, reagent for fsh, reagent for lh, reagent for progestrone, reagent for prolactin, reagent for shbg, reagent for 2nd gen testosterone, congenitals : reagent for cmv igg, reagent for cmv igm, reagent for cmv igg avidity, reagent for rubella igg, reagent for rubella igm, reagent for toxo igg, reagent for toxo igm, reagent for toxo igg avidity, hepetatis : reagent for anti- hbc igm, reagent for anti- hbc ii, reagent for anti- hbe, reagent for anti- hbs, reagent for anti- hcv, reagent for havab igg, reagent for havab igm, reagent for hbeag, reagent for hbeag ( quantitative), reagent for hbsag quantitative ii, reagent for hbsag qualitative ii conformatory, reagent for hcv ag, retrovirus : reagent for hiv ag/ab combo, reagent for htlv- / , metabolic : reagent for active-b12, reagent for anti-ccp, reagent for b12, reagent for c-peptide, reagent for cortisol, reagent for homocysteine, reagent for insuline, reagent for ferritin, reagent for folate, reagent for folate rbc, reagent for intacte pth, reagent for pepsinogen , reagent for pepsinogen , reagent for 25-oh vitamin d, other infectious disease: reagent for chagas, reagent for ebv ebna-1 igg, reagent for ebv vca igg, reagent for ebv vca igm, reagent for sars-cov-2 igg, reagent for sars-cov-2 igg quant, reagent for sars-cov-2 igm, reagent for syphhilis tp, renal : reagent for urine ngal, sepsis : reagent for procalcitonin, therapeutic drug monitoring : reagent for methotrexate, thyroid : reagent for anti-tg, reagent for anti-tpo, reagent for free t3, reagent for free t4, reagent for tg, reagent for total t3, reagent for total t4, reagent for tsh, reagent for trab, reagent for t-uptake, transplant : reagent for cyclosporine, reagent for sirolimus, reagent for tacrolimus, cardiac : reagent for ck-mb, reagent for d-dimer, reagent for myoglobin, drugs of abuse/toxicology : reagent for acetaminophen, reagent for 6-acetylmorpine, reagent for amph/meth, reagent for tricyclic antidepressants, reagent for barbiturates, reagent for benzodiazepines, reagent for benzodiazepines, serum, reagent for buprenorpine, reagent for cannabinoids, reagent for cocaine, reagent for ecstasy, reagent for eddp, reagent for ethanol, reagent for methadone, reagent for opiates, reagent for oxycodone, reagent for phencyclidine, reagent for propoxyphene, reagent for salicyate, reagent for tramadol, general chemistry : reagent for albumin bcg, reagent for albumin bcp, reagent for alkaline phos, reagent for alt, reagent for alt, activated, reagent for ammonia ultra, reagent for amylase, reagent for astast, activated, reagent for total bile acids, reagent for bilirubin, direct, reagent for bilirubin, total, reagent for calcium, reagent for carbon dioxide, reagent for chloride (ict), reagent for cholesterol, reagent for cholinesterase, reagent for ck, reagent for creatinine, reagent for creatinine (enzymatic), reagent for cystatin c, reagent for dibucaine che, reagent for fructosamine, reagent for ggt, reagent for glucose, reagent for hbdh liquid, reagent for iron, reagent for lactate dehydro, reagent for lactic acid, reagent for ldl, direct, reagent for lipase, reagent for magnesium, reagent for p-amylase, reagent for phosphorus, reagent f