Tender For operation and comprehensive maintenance of 300 tr hvac system consisting of 3 air cooled screws chillers (make: climaveneta) of 100 tr each, chilled water pumps, ahus, chilled water piping with all the valves, ducting, electrical panels, vfd panel of secondary chiller pumps and other associated equipment of the centralairconditioningplant of science exploration hall, science city, kolkata for a period of three years.
Tender For ca no ge(w)/hsr-74/2024-25 repair/annual maintenance of centralairconditioningplant of mh czwsp signal centre and wksp at hisar mil stn under ge (w) hisar
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - ---- comprehensive annual operation, repair and maintenance contract (caormc)/annual repair and maintenance contract (armc) of centralized airconditioningplant and allied airconditioning equipments/ machinery