Tender For removing, resetting and replacing of damaged mangalore tiles in pitched roof, providing waterproofing treatment to prevent leakage from roof, painting for truss, rafters, purlins and other essential repair works in roofing area for revenue survey office building located at k.r circle, bengaluru
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to roof and allied works at baaz line 1, 2, cycle shed, jcos or bathroom, vehicle repair shed and t-5 in 316 fd wksp coy eme at ayodhya cantt
Tender For corrigendum : repairs to roof, ceiling and other connecting works at sankrubagh, arga, mo, nsry and core area at naval base karwar and repair and maintenance of lighting conductor at nad and vajrakosh at naval base karwar under ge(sb) karwar.
Tender For repair/replacement of cp bath fitting, sanitary fitting, flooring, tilling, roof treatment and periodical services to otm accn in aor of age b/r-ii under ge(west)pathankot
Tender For repair/maint to roof sheet, water tanks, ceiling and wall paneling, roof treatment and miscellaneous work in aor of age b/r-ii under ge(west)pathankot