Tender For repair to path stone masonry walls jaffari wall fencing gate and other allied works at zone a zone b and zone c at palampur mil stn under ge palampur
Tender For repair to hard standing pathway, gate, drain, culvert in otm/md accn and repair to security wall, compound wall, drain, fencing, path in md accn, and other miscellaneous allied work in aor of age b/r-i under ge(west)pathankot
Tender For ge/863/ews-t-50 of 2024-25 certain repair to drain, fencing, gate, retaining wall, compound wall, toe wall and allied works at jhakri, matiana and averipatti in the area of age b/r-ii pms under ge 863 ews
Tender For repair and periodical services to security wall, fencing and gate in vijay dwar and queen road haldighati line and other units in zone-iii area under ge (s) jaipur at jaipur mil stn